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I was the last to keep watch. So, of course I was the first one awake. I remembered when my father was murdered. We sent him on a boat, on fire, out to sea. I yelled into the water, frustrated that my own father would kick me out of my own house. Kicked me out onto the streets because he hated me. When I was young, he pulled me aside and told me I would never be king. At the thought of that, I broke down crying at the funeral. Sabrina knelt down and put her arm around me. I turned my head into her and sobbed. She ran her fingers through my hair. I felt stupid, acting this way in front of Grimm, but I couldn't help it. I snapped out of my thoughts and found that I myself was actually crying. I wiped my tears off on my sleeve. I found that Sabrina was actually comforting me. I closed my eyes and hung my head in shame. I found that Snow was gone. I jumped up. There was a note on the ground. It read, "puck and Sabrina, I'm sorry. I had to help mirror or else they said they would kill Billy (Charming) I totally regret it. I'm sooooooo sorry. Love from, Snow" Rage heated through my veins. Snow White, the honest, sweet and kind school teacher, had betrayed us!!! I hated her right now. I looked down at Sabrina. Tears ran down her face.I knelt down beside her and hugged her. "Sabrina. What's wrong?" I asked her. She looked up at me with those beautiful baby blue eyes. "She hurt me. Snow hurt me puck. Last night. Before she left. I tried to stop her from leaving but....." Sabrina trailed off. She held out her arm and on her wrist was an ugly red scar. "Who am I to spend my life alone. Forever searching for a place to call home. Who am I about to meet myself. Should feel right, but it don't." Sabrina sang sadly. "I was alone, looking after Daphne for 2 years, puck. Snow was the first ever after I ever trusted other than Mirror. I can't believe she would do this to us." Sabrina said. I was so angry I could barely see. Snow had betrayed us for Mirror and had hurt my Sabrina. I ripped off a peice of my hoodie and wrapped it around sabrina's wrist. I watched as the green fabric slowly soaked in red. I wrapped my arm around her and helped her up. She rolled her eyes. "Puck, I can walk. It's only my wrist." She complained. "It's more than that Sabrina. Snow hurt you. I don't want to loose another person I love." I replied sadly. "Come on. Let's get everybody up. We need to get moving. Mirror and Faith will be looked for us." Sabrina said.

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