Chapter 0 loan sharks

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Kiryu at the top

[A dirty corner in the street. A gangster bent over the lying body of some poor fellow.]

Businessman: Stop... P-Please... No more... I'm sorry... Sorry!

Gangster: When you pick a fight in this town, you'd better pick carefully. Especially when you're carrying a wad of cash.

[He takes the money out of the guy's wallet. Leaving the corner, he steps on a newspaper.]

"Kamurocho 21st Century Redevelopment Plan Begins"

December 9, 1988
Kamurocho, Tokyo

Drunk Student: Emi-chan, you can't bail yet! Besides, you could wave cash around forever and not find a taxi at this hour!

Emi: Oh, hush you! If you really cared, you'd pay my cab fare!

Drunk Student: Aw, why don't I book us a suite at the Plaza instead? You and me can get it on till the break of dawn! Eh? Eh?

[Someone is pushing a drunken student.]

Drunk Student: What the hell!? That friggin' hurt, man!

[This someone is our gangster.]

Student's Friend: Yo, get your ass back here!

[Seeing the gangster's face, the eyes of a drunken student's friends widen in terror.]

Drunk Student: Hey, asshole. You gonna just walk away after plowing into me like that? I believe you owe me an apology! Get down on your knees, punk!

Student's Friend: Yoshio, don't. Not this guy!

Yoshio: Huh?

[Gangster turns around. His face is stained with blood.]

Student's Friend: (bowing) Sorry to bother you, sir.

10:43 PM

[A man drives up to the gangster in a car with a personal driver.]

Loan Shark: Hey. How'd it go, huh?

Kiryu: It's done. Pardon the loose change. I didn't bring an envelope.

Loan Shark: Don't sweat it. Cash is cash. Spends just fine without an envelope. You Dojima boys work fast. Sure makes my life easier. Anyway. Here's your cut. Ten percent, as promised.

Kiryu: Thanks.

Loan Shark: Also, here's a little bonus from me. Consider it a gift to commemorate our first job together.

Kiryu: That isn't necessary...

Loan Shark: Most heavies take half these days. I've got you working cut-rate. Getting real yakuza at this price? You're the one doing me a favor here, trust me.

Kiryu: Still...

Loan Shark: Look around you. Other kids your age are waving 10G bills at cabs. A proper yakuza's got to keep up appearances. Consider it a gift to commemorate our first job together. Here. Take it.

Kiryu: ...Thank you.

Loan Shark: Just don't make my mistake and lend it to an idiot. 300 grand's a drop in the bucket, sure... But if I don't collect, it sends the wrong message. Right?

Kiryu: I guess so.

Loan Shark: Lend money in this town long enough, you learn a thing or two. The world these days... Hardly anyone knows what money's worth anymore. You may not have book smarts, kid... But knowing the street'll get you further in life than a fancy degree. Am I right?

Kiryu: I really couldn't say. Will that be all then?

Loan Shark: Hey. Why don't you come work for me, son? A man with your skills could really rake in the cash. And a lot easier than on a yakuza payroll. Every meal a feast, every night an orgy... And that's just the beginning. Money makes the world go 'round. It can even buy happiness, if you spend it wisely. It takes a long time to make it as a yakuza. But money's a good shortcut. Come work for me, and you'll get places quicker.

Kiryu: Three years ago, I might have taken you up on that offer. But once you're yakuza... There's no turning back.

Loan Shark: That's your answer, then?

Kiryu: I wonder if being a yakuza can lead to a fulfilling life too...

Loan Shark: Heh, beats me. I've never been a yakuza. I couldn't tell you. Well, call me if you change your mind. See ya around.

[Loan Shark drives away.]

Kiryu: What an asshole... Waste of my time.

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