Chap three and four recap

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Chapter three

While wandering the street Kiryu is approached by a mysterious one-armed man who claims to want to help him. The stranger takes Kiryu to his luxurious penthouse (No homo)  and introduces himself: His name is Tetsu  Tachibana and he also wants the Empty Lot. He learnt of Kiryu's predicament and, impressed by his fighting skills and his courage in crossing the Dojima Family, he asks for his help. Kiryu, however, rejects the offer.

Intrigued by Tachibana and how he knew so much about him, Kiryu and Nishiki decide to find out more about him and his mysterious company, the Tachibana company . Through some investigation, the pair learn one of Tachibana's agents, a man named Oda, has been acquiring real estate all around Kamurocho through various unscrupulous means. Oda catches onto Kiryu and Nishiki's investigations and invites Kiryu to meet with him at the company's offices. However, when Kiryu does visit him, he is attacked by Oda and several of the company's thugs.

After Kiryu beats him, Oda reveals that this had all been a test to see if Kiryu had the cunning to find out more about them and the strength to take them on in combat. Tachibana joins the pair and tells Kiryu that he is actually working with his foster father, Kazama. As it turns out, Kazama fears that Sohei Dojima is becoming too powerful and that the acquisition of the Empty Lot will make him too wealthy to stop. He wishes to stop this from happening, but must do so through a proxy in order to avoid being expelled from the Clan for betraying his boss, which is why he is acting through Tachibana's company. Finally understanding what Tachibana's intentions are, Kiryu decides to join his company and aid in stopping Dojima's acquisition of the Lot. The only problem is that neither Tachibana nor Dojima knows who the owner of the Lot actually is...

Chapter four

In the Osaka district of Sotenbori, Goro Majiama runs the Grand as punishment for his role in the failed assassination Yoshiharu ueno of three years prior. He is under orders from his boss, , to deliver increasingly higher profits every month, lest he be returned to the torture dungeon where spent a year after the failed hit. Supervizing his punishment is Shimano's sworn brother from the Omi alliance, tsukage sagawa who constantly belittles Majima and reminds him that he can have him returned to Shimano's dungeon any time he pleases.

After dealing with an unruly patron who groped one of the club's hostesses and poaching the top earning hostess from a rival club, Majima returns to his tiny slum apartment. While having a smoke and glancing over the city from his building' rooftop, he sees multiple people observing him from various buildings and streets around him: Sagawa's goons are always watching him.

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