Chapter four part two The Odyssey

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Majima: (Odyssey... This's the place. Ready to make the magic happen, Majima? Let's get to work! Can't just charge in and blow my cover...)

[He takes the eyepatch off and wears aviators glasses. The perfect disguise is ready.]

Odyssey Waiter: Welcome to Odyssey. Party of one?

Majima: Yeah.

Odyssey Waiter: Apologies, but we're full at the moment. May I ask you to wait to be seated?

Majima: Sure, no problem.

Odyssey Waiter: Much appreciated! Please follow me, then. I'd be happy to bring you a drink while you wait...

Majima: Nah, don't put yourself out. I'm in no rush here. (Full-up but still not turnin' customers away... Nice. Still, I'll probably get in quicker if I don't put in a request for Nozomi.)

Odyssey Waiter: So sorry to keep you waiting. We're ready for you, sir. Please follow me.

Majima: (Wonder where Nozomi's at... Better scope things out first. The hostesses feel oddly old-fashioned. Like their clothes are screaming, "Let's relive the college years!" Maybe it's a classic look, but I say it's straight up dated. Guys their own age probably don't get anything from it, but I bet it makes the old boys club feel right at home. The fact that all the girls got the same look means it's probably club policy, not their personal taste. That spot's lookin' pretty good. A pair of 50-something guys. Designer suits, watches look Italian. Gotta be in finance, maybe real estate. Doesn't look like one's tryin' to impress the other, and they got a bottle on keep. Must be regulars. Judgin' from how hard they're talkin' those girls up, those guys are in pretty deep. Big fish like them are what keep a place running for years.)

[He notices almost naked guy dancing at the stairs.]

Majima: (What the shit is THAT!? Dude is like a lust machine! Is Odyssey popular with that crowd? Is there even a crowd for... whatever that is? That table's hoppin'. One old guy in flashy clothes, a middle-age playboy, and a kid in rags.. Gotta be entertainment biz. The director, the talent, and the young one's a PA or some pissboy job. Three customers and only two girls... Feels off balance.)

Hostess: Hi there! I'm Takako.

Majima: (Figures they wouldn't waste Nozomi on a first-timer. Still, I can probably pump good intel outta this gal.)

Majima: Whoa, they sent me a ten and a half!

Takako: Aww, thanks! Now, what can we get you to drink?

Majima: Hm, why don't we kick things off with champagne?

Takako: You got it! Drink order, please!

Majima: (Okay, what's my plan of attack here? What do I ask to get info on Nozomi.... maybe I should ask about  the hostesses)

Majima: I'm still reelin' at how many cuties there are here! About how many girls are on staff here in all?

Takako: Hmmm... Probably about a hundred,all told? I think only about 40 are workin' today, though.

Majima: Gotta be hard to keep track of 'em all, yeah?

Takako: You said it. And a bunch of girls only work maybe one shift a week. Seems like every other night I'm sitting in a booth with a girl I've never talked to before in my life.

Majima: Wow, you got new girls comin' here in droves, huh? Guess that's a top-tier cabaret for ya.

Takako: Naw, it's just 'cause so many girls up and quit.

Majima: They quit? What for?

Takako: The hierarchy here's way scary. Any hot new girl comes in threatenin' to upset the pecking order, all the girls on top come down on her like a ton a' bricks.

Majima: Sounds like competition's tough. Any girl who makes it to the top in the middle of all that's gotta really be something though, eh?

Takako: Yeah, I s'pose. Our number one gal, Nozomi-san, has guys linin' up for her before the doors even open each night.

Majima: (Bingo! I like where this is headed...) That so? What's this Nozomi girl like?

Takako: Nozomi-san? Hmm, we're not really supposed to talk to customers about other girls... But if I had to sum it up in one word, she's a professional.

Majima: Professional?

Takako: Like... A lot of our clients are bank bigwigs or politicians and stuff. So management's always on our case to read the paper and follow the news so we can keep up with their conversations. Nozomi-san's super motivated with stuff like that, so she's always been popular with those types. Now a lot of them request her when they come in.

Majima: Sounds like she's on top here for good reason, then. Makes sense she'd be popular.

Takako: Yeah, but the other day, some younger guys came in and she was totally lost tryin' to talk to them. It was hilarious! Ooh, keep that last one between us, yeah? If the other girls heard I said that, it'd cause drama...

Majima: Ha ha, relax. It's our little secret. Still, sounds like even a pro like Nozomi-chan's got her cute side. (Nice, sounds like there's good reason why she's got a reputation for bein' the consummate hostess. She'll do just fine, even with the high rollers. Okay, what's my plan of attack here? What do I ask to get info on Nozomi?)

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