Part 9

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At night,

It was almost time for the moon to come and the celebration was in full swing. The whole place was decorated beautifully with flowers and lights making the mansion bright. Everyone was dressed up in bright colours with their plates waiting for the moon to come out so they could break their fast. Everyone was happy except Swara who was hoping that Sanskar would come soon before the moon comes out as she had promised and convinced everyone that he would come. 

Annapurna: Swara is Sanskar here yet?

Swara: No Badi Maa but I am sure he will be here any minute. You all go and break your fast I will wait.

Ragini: No way! We are not breaking our fast without you we will also wait for Sanskar to come.

Parineeta: Ragini is right we will also wait. How can we eat when you are starving?

Swara: Ragini and bhabhi you both should eat. No need to wait for me I am okay. You haven't eaten anything since morning.

Sujata: Absolutely not! We will not eat without you. We will also wait .

Swara: Mom. Sanskar will come any moment you all should start see the moon is out.

Sujata: Then you too should come. We will break fast with you.

Annapurna: Yes. We won't let you starve just because of waiting. Come on or else your health will worsen

Swara: Badi Maa how can I break my fast without my husband when I kept this fast for him?

Sujata: But Swara this is also Sanskar's fault he should be here today as he knows what importance this day holds for married couples. After all he even kept a fast for you last time so I don't understand what is going on?

Swara: Please break your fast see the moon is out you will feel hungry I don't want you to starve because of me! (she looks at them with pleading eyes)

They all tried to protest but Swara somehow persuaded them. They felt bad for Swara but they were helpless. Swara had tears in her eyes by now but kept consoling herself, trying to persuade herself that Sanskar will come. Suddenly her head started feeling dizzy and she fainted. Ragini ran over to her and held her before her head hit the ground. Then everyone gathered around. Uttara got water and started sprinkling it on her trying to wake her up but she wouldn't. 

Just then Sanskar walked in not caring about what is going on. But Sujata notices him and calls him out.

Sujata: SANSKAR!( she stomps over to him) What is this? Is this the time to come home? Your wife has kept a fast for your long life and she has fainted and you don't have the decency to go and check up on her!! What is wrong with you!?

Sanskar: Mom I was really tired after work so..(before he could complete his sentence Ram interrupted him)

Ram: Tired!? You are tired?! What about your wife who hasn't eaten a morsel since morning just for you and she has fainted and all you are saying is that you are tired!? You haven't even asked if she is ok or not!

Annapurna: Sujata, Ram we will talk with him later but look Swara is not waking up! Laksh call the doctor!

Laksh: Yes Maa.

Laksh calls the doctor and the doctor comes. They take Swara to her room and the doctor checks her.

Doctor: Her health is not very good she is very weak. When was the last time she ate?

Ragini: Morning. It's Karvachauth so she kept a fast.

Doctor: You mean she hasn't broken the fast yet? But the moon is out?! ( the doctor saw their disappointed faces and thought that she shouldn't interfere as it might be personal) anyways, as I was saying she is very weak. Stress is definitely not good for her. And also give her lots of glucose and water. I will prescribe some medicines but the rest is up to you. You have to take good care of her.

Sujata: Don't worry we will look after her.

Doctor: Good. Now I will take your leave. And here are the medicines that you need to give her.( she hands it to Sujata:

Sujata: Thank you. 

Parineeta walks the doctor out while Swara regains consciousness slowly. Her head hurt alot so Ragini gave her food along with glucose drink as the doctor had suggested and Swara fell asleep. When she did fall asleep. They all went downstairs and talked with Sanskar.

Annapurna: Sanskar what is going on with you. I remember last year you kept a fast for Swara but now you aren't even here for her. You didn't even ask if she was okay or not. 

Sanskar: Badi Maa I was really tired after working all day long so...

Durga Prasad: Sanskar I have never considered you less than my son and neither Swara and Uttara less than my daughters  so if there is something please tell me. I have seen the love Swara has for you. Even though you didn't come she still kept her hopes high and waited for you.

Sanskar: Did I ask her to wait? No I didn't then why did she wait? She didn't need to create such a drama over a little matter.

Sujata: SANSKAR! Is this the way to talk to your Bade Papa?! What happened to you? You have never raised your voice on anyone then why are you doing this!

Sanskar: Enough! I have listened to you all and your concerns but it isn't me you you should give this lecture to it is Swara. Who asked her to keep such hopes and create a scene?! I don't care if she lives or dies! I have nothing to do with it! 

Sujata yelled Sanskar but he showed her his hand and ran upstairs to the guest room and slammed the door whilst everyone looked at him with a shocked and horrified expression as to why he behaved in such a way and raised his voice on his elders since he had been such a disciplined person. Moreover he said that he doesn't care whether Swara lives or dies. Swara had always been his life without her he was just a body with no soul. He was torn apart when she was pulled into the river by rajat and was declared dead.  And everyone saw the light on his face when he saw her alive. Then how could he say such a thing to her?

End of Part 9

Thank you so much for the previous votes and comments. Your comments motivate me to write more and carry on so please do comment. 

This chapter  is dedicated to my di who always makes my day. Without you I wouldn't be here❤❤

Thank you so much again for reading this!


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