Part 14

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Leap of 2 years

A tall building with stunning exterior made of glass is shown. The glass is polished so well you could see your reflection. It had 20 floors and each floor was exquisite. It had its own modern touch to it. As you enter in the first floor ,which was also the reception, on the left there is a desk and chair and the receptionist was sitting on it. On the right there are 4 chairs along with a table for the waiting area. On the 10th floor was the cabin of the boss. The cabin is made of glass and it is white from inside. As we look inside there is a white table with 3 white chairs and on the other side another white chair but this one was bigger. On the big chair sat a girl with formal clothing working a laptop whilst talking to another girl.

Girl: Tell me the scheduled meetings for today. 

Another girl: We have a meeting with Mr Chopra today to discuss the new project and there is another company which would like to to do partnership but the name isn't listed.

Girl: What time is the meeting with Mr Chopra scheduled?

Another girl: It's at 2 pm.

Girl: Ok and what were you saying about the other company Ruhi?

Ruhi: The name isn't listed but before your company they were number one.

Girl:Do you have information about them?

Ruhi: No they only just called us.

Girl: Then when you find some information then schedule a meeting with them. You know very well I don't do partnership with anyone without knowing anything about them.

Ruhi: I know Swara and don't worry I will have all the information regarding them by tomorrow.

(Yes everyone guessed it right. The girl is Swara)

Swara just nods and gives a hum to agree. Ruhi puts an invitation in front of Swara and as she notices it she gives a confused look.

Swara: What is this?

Ruhi: Oh God! You are such a big businesswomen yet you don't know how read! I'm wondering how you got to number one?(Ruhi says in an over dramatic voice whilst face palming herself)

Swara:(giving a glare) Are you done?

Ruhi gives a sheepish smile.

Ruhi: Ok sorry. It's an invitation to my brother's engagement. Arjun is getting married and he wants you to come because it's been so long since he has seen you. Please don't refuse it you refused all the birthday parties too. And his friend is coming from India and he really wants you to be there.

Swara: Marriage? (she suddenly looks up from her laptop)

Ruhi: I know I know you don't want anything to with marriage but please for me?

Swara: You know I can't refuse anything if it's for you. I'll be there.

Ruhi: Thank you so so much!(she gives a hug to Swara and she reciprocates to it)

Swara: By the way remember to get the information about the company.

Ruhi: Yes I'll be sure.(turns around and about to go)

Swara: Oh and Ruhi..

Ruhi:(turns back) yes?

Swara: Order a black coffee with no sugar for me.

Ruhi: Ok anything else?

Swara: Oh and I sent some documents to your email. Check them and print them out before meeting with Mr Chopra.

Ruhi: Ok. 

Swara: Thank you.

Ruhi leaves from there Swara looks at the invitation and then carries back on with her work.

Next scene

A dining table is shown where people are eating but it's silent. You could hear a pin drop. No one is talking and people are barely eating. They are all sat there for the sake of it with sad expressions but then someone finally talks.

Woman: When is he going?

Boy: I think tomorrow.

Woman: Hmm.

Girl: (to boy) Will you go with him Laksh?

Boy: I don't know Ragini. If he wants me to I'll go.

(You guys were right it is Maheshwari family )

Durga Prasad: Laksh you should go we also have some work there so we will go there as well.

Laksh: Ok Papa.

Footsteps are heard as someone walks down the stairs. They look behind and see Sanskar in a terrible condition. They all look towards him and Sujata goes towards him.

Sujata: Sanskar what is this? Tomorrow you are going and still your state is this!(she lightly scolds him but Sanskar stays silent with a blank face)

Sujata: Ok never mind but fix this but before that eat breakfast.

Sanskar still doesn't say anything just walks over to the dining table.

Annapurna: What would you like to eat Sanskar?

Sanskar is still sitting like a statue but tears are coming down from his wet eyes. Sujata looks at Annapurna with a worried expression but she blinks in assurance to her.

Annapurna: Ok how about I place a deal. If I show you something then you have to eat ok?

Sanskar is still blank but he can hear everything that she is saying but doesn't respond.

Annapurna takes the tv remote and switches it on. They hear a girl's voice and Sanskar immediately rushed towards the tv. The girl is Swara giving an interview. Everyone has tears in their eyes and Ragini is crying.

Sanskar: Swara?!

Annapurna: Yes Sanskar! It's Swara! She is in England right now!

Sanskar goes to Annapurna and hugs her whilst crying.

Sanskar: Thank you so much Badi Maa. Thank you so so much! Now I can get my Swara back!

Annapurna: Yes Sanskar! You will get Swara back! Now come and eat remember our deal?

Sanskar: Yes Badi Maa! ( he goes to dining table and starts eating whilst Sujata looks at Annapurna with happy tears and mouthing thank you and Annpurna smiles at her.)

End of Part 14

Thank you so much for all your votes and comments on the last part! It really means a lot I love reading and replying to your comments! And I hope you all like this part! And you all were correct the girl was Swara and the boy was Sanskar! Sorry I wasn't able to post regularly because I was busy with something. Also I decided to keep the leap of two years instead of 3 years so please don't get confused.

Sorry if this was not up to your expectations. And sorry because this part was short. To make up for this I will be doing quizzes now because it's always votes and comments but now I'll be doing quizzes and whoever gives the most right answers the fastest they can add a special scene into the next part! And this quiz is from all the parts before. But the next quiz will be on the next part.


1) What happened to Swara on Karvachauth?

2) What was the Sanskar's girlfriend's name?

3) What reason did Sanskar give for cheating on Swara?

4) How did Swara's parents react on Sanskar cheating?

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