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Y/N: Your name

L/N: Your last name

H/C: Hair color

E/C: Eye color

S/C: Skin Color

M/N: Mech name (Well the title tell you everything and I tried to think about the Mech name but I can't so name it yourself?)

F/C: Favorite color ( example: black)

B/n: Brother name (You gonna have a bro here and yes, he also a genius)

M/n: Mother name

F/n: Father name

A/N: Author note ( I guess you guy all ready know this but I gonna put it in anyway)

Full name: Y/N Parker



    Casual: black shorts with red stripes, black T-shirt with a red jacket and it have a hood, you also wear a pair of high tech sneakers ( You made it with your bro), with a pair of F/C socks (And people, please don't ask why there so many black and red, I will tell ya, read the back ground! Kidding because you wanna dress look like your mech, I will describe it later!)

   Control bodysuit: Your school uniform, it actually a high tech bodysuit which use to control the mech and it look like your school uniform because it also a disguise, you'll look like a normal student.

Personal information: a Japanese kid with H/C hair, E/C eyes and S/C skin. (Mother: also Japanese ; Father: American)

Height: No mech:  4' 15"

                With mech: 9' 14" 

Power: nothing special, just a freaking genius who work with Tony Stark that all! ( Sorry folks but gotta said, we need a normal genius right now not a super powerful guy so, yeah! Forgive me)

Gender: Male (obviously!)

Age: Fourteen years old

Mech: It's like Peni's but it a little bit bigger and it is black and red instead of red and blue

Family: Mom: Miss. Parker (M/N Parker) a police officer.

                Father: Mr Parker (F/N Parker) a scientist who work in Oscorp.

                Brother: B/N Parker, a intern in Stark industry, older than you

Background: You were born very ordinary in a world where most people was bitten by radioactive spider also the villains, but you didn't mind about that, you still lived your normal life with your parents and brother. But one day, everything change. When you were eight, you visited your brother lap who was studied about a new kind of radioactive spider, you accidentally bitten by it, you wanted to kill it but you found out that you and the spider have a physic link. Your brother knew it after the accident, you and him thought about some project but before that, you have to have an IQ test when you were ninth and surprisingly, you got one hundred and fifty! After that you and your brother started building a battle mech. With the help of Stark, you finished it after one year. Realized your potential, Stark took you in as a new intern of Stark industry. Your parents really happy for you and you also used the mech competently so you became the one and only Spider-man.

You were a genius so you amazing at every field except comedy, you terrible at making joke and you sometime humiliated yourself in front of the person you made joke with. Your brother who owned the spider that bit you, helped you a lot and he never jealous about your intelligence and you grateful about that.

One day in your house, your father was work at Oscrop because he was busy, your mom had a day off so she stayed home with you and your brother. Then the villains broke into your house, attempted to kill you and your brother, you left M/N in some secret base so you couldn't do anything. Your mother tried her best to protect you two but after that, killed by one of the villains. They turned to you, B/N covered you and he wanted to protect you. Before the villains had the chance to kill you, S.H.I.E.L.D's soldier broke in and saved both of you. 

After buried your mom, you cried a lot, you swore to yourself that you will never let anyone die again. You and B/N moved to a new house in New York city suburbs for you father and two of you safety. You sometime visited your aunt and uncle but a few years later, your uncle died because of cancer, you very sad for him but you couldn't do anything against cancer.

One random sunny day, on your way to the Avenger's base( that where you and your brother work) you have been sucked into somewhere else, another dimension and that where it begin.

Personality: Cheerful, love to make joke except you suck at it, sometime very lazy but mostly, really hard-working, get sad really fast when talk about your mother, love candy (don't know why) so sometime got a sugar rush ( for example: work very very very fast), look quiet innocent because you just a freaking fourteen years old boy.

Fears: Angry girls (DON'T YOU DARE ASK ME WHY)

Warning: The reader character will get suck sometime but please don't blame me 

The Spiders-Genius? (Male reader x Peni Parker)Where stories live. Discover now