Prologue: Introduction

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Ok guys! Let's do this one last time. And no dual! My name's Y/N Parker, I was bitten by a radioactive spider  and for the last four years, I thought I'm the one and only Spider-Man. Well I lived in the world where most people were bitten by radioactive spider, include the villains, I was born very ordinary until I was eight, I got bitten! Yeah, it's a quite short story right? So let me tell ya everything!

When I'm eight, I visited my brother's lap, I.....accidentally let a spider out of it's container and it bit me. Before I killed it because of panic, my brother stopped me, he said that a new generation of radioactive spider but it won't give me any spider power like the other, it did give me something and guess what? I had a physic link with it! And spider sense. My father, F/N Parker, knew about this but he didn't tel anyone except my mom and Tony Stark, a.k.a Ironman. After that Tony went to my home to see me, he said me about my potential with the spider. That night, I dreamed about some kind of mech that control by my physic link with the spider. The next morning, I told my brother about my idea and asked him to help. After one year, we finished it, Tony heard about our project, he came to me and said that he wanted to take me in as an intern but before that, I have to take a IQ test and man, I got 150! That great, my family really happy for me. so I learned how to use the mech, now I called M/N, skillfully and worked at the Avenger's base (I don't know why.) as a intern, it's pretty cool actually, I can meet the Avenger, learned about superhero things, and became Spider-Man!

 I had everything! A cool internship work, a happy family, a good mentor, became hero who save the day and never got into trouble at school but I didn't have any friends, though. But still, great live, then I.....lost One night, when I was ten, my father, went to work at Oscrop so he not at home, my mother had a day off so she stayed home with me and B/N, then the thugs broke into our house, I guessed they wanted to kill me or my father or my brother or three of us but there just B/N and I at home with my mom. I let M/N in a secret base so I couldn't do anything! My mother who was a police officer, tried her best to protect us but she got......kill by one of the thugs. Before they killed us, a bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D's soldier broke in and saved us. 

After my mother's dead,I swore to myself that I will NEVER let any one die again! Then, B/N and I moved to New York City suburbs, and my father moved to the secret lap that Tony made under the city but we sometime visited him. I also had an aunt and an uncle, too! It was May Parker and Ben Parker. They usually visited us to check our life. It was really fun! Aunt May sometime made cookies for us, too! It was delicious! Then not long later, my uncle.....passed. I know, I know! I said that I swore that I won't let anyone die right? Well my uncle die because of cancer. I couldn't do anything about that! I really sad but I tried to stay happy, though. Neither my mom and my uncle want me to stay sad for the rest of my life!

Then one day, something weird, like very weird, happened!

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