Chapter 6: What's up danger? The finale night.

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Peter: Hey bud, are you ok? Look, we've all been there. To me, it was my uncle Ben.

Noir: For me, it was my uncle Benjamin.

Peni: For me, it was my dad.

Y/N: For me, it mom.

Gwen: For me, it was my best friend.

Ham: Miles, the hardest thing about this job is you couldn't actually save...everyone.

Miles: Nonono, you guy wouldn't understand, it was my fault.

Gwen: We probably the only ones that really understand what you have been th-

Then the handle of the door turned.

Peter: Oh no.

And the door swung open, revealed Miles' room mate who was listening to a music and reading a comic on his chair.

Peter:*whispering*That way, that way!

The Spider-Gang moved to the side of the room, Miles' room mate, facing them.

Peter: *whispering*The other way, the other way!

Unfortunately for them Miles' room mate turned again now looking up at them.

Miles: Hello there!

Ham: Do animal talk in this world because I don't want to freak him o-

Then the room mate fell to the floor unconscious.

Small time skip.

Miles pulled the blanket to cover the friend's body when he sleeping then turned back to Gwen who was half way climbed through the window.

Miles: What's going on?

Gwen: Goodbye Miles!

Miles: You can say goodbye at the collider.

Peter: You not getting it, you're staying here.

Miles: But I need to be there. So you can all go home.

Peter: They're going home Miles, I'm staying.

Miles: You taking my place? I-If you stay here, you will die.

Peter: I'm doing what needs to be done, I just wanted you to hear it from me.

Miles: What's about MJ?

Peter: Not everything work out, kid, I need the goober, please don't make me take it from you.

Miles: That's not fair! You've gotta tell them I can do it!

Peter: It's not their decision.

Miles: I gotta make Kingpin pay! You have to let me make him pay!

Peter: Miles, you gonna get yourself kill!

Miles: But I'm ready! I promise....

Before Miles finished his sentence, Peter kicked his feet then catching Miles who now was hovering over the floor.

Peter: Then venom strike me now, or turn invisible on command to get pass me!

Meanwhile, outside the window, the others spiders listened to the two's conversation.

Noir: Poor kid.

Y/N, however, look quiet different to the others, he was looking up to the sky, smiling faintly, a small tear rolled on his cheek.

Peni: Are you ok?

Y/N: I'm fine*Wipe the tear*. It just remind me some memories.

Then he gave Peni a warm grin.

The Spiders-Genius? (Male reader x Peni Parker)Where stories live. Discover now