The return and the heart-break flashback

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Y/N opened his eyes and realized that he was free falling on his New York city.

"OMG, I'm free falling!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"He screamed out, expect to hit a building or worse, the ground but it never came, instead, a man in the man in the familiar red and yellow armor caught him in the middle of the sky "MR.STARK!!!!"

"Good to see you again kid, where have you been?"

"In an another dimension!"

"Nice! Found yourself a girlfriend right?"

Y/N blushed faintly and looked away.

"Nooooooo, wait, hold on, why you know that I do meet a girl?"

"A) When travel another dimension, obviously you'll meet a girl and B) I somehow heard your voice with a girl in the radio."

"Wait what? How?"

"I don't know! Your voice just pop up a day later, I tried to speak with you but you didn't answer so I just listening to you ever since. Did you make any device?"

"I did make a dimension-radio but I didn't hear anything so I just put it away."

"Now where is it?"

"Here!"Then Y/N held up a small device"But it damage and I need to fix it or else we will lose all the data!"

"Okay, I'll drop you at your house, your brother, your father and your aunt were there, they really worry about you!"

Time skip.

As Y/N walked inside, Aunt May rushed out and hugged him.

"OH I'm so glad you're safe!" She cried out.

"Good to see you again, too!"

"Y/N?" B/N called out from the kitchen and he ran out, hugged Y/N tight, Y/N's father followed suit.

"Where have you been?" His father asked

"I know it really crazy but I'm actually sucked into another dimension." Y/N explained.

"And he got himself a girlfriend, too!" Tony suddenly said.

"Awwwww~" B/N looked at Y/N teasingly, Y/N gave Tony a glare.

"Hey, we just friends ok?" He said awkwardly.

"Yeah right~" F/N said a little suspicious in his voice.


"Okokok, now, you're safe, can you tell us what happened?" 

"I will, but now, I want to get some sleep, can I? It's been a long day and I lost M/N."

"What??? What about the spider?" Tony snapped.

"He's fine, he's here." Y/N looked at his shoulder where the spider was resting.

"Ok, go and get some sleep, we will talk about what happened later! And we will build the M/N again, fortunately, we still have the blueprint!" F/N said softly.

Y/N nodded then walked slowly on the stairs which led to his room, spider still rested on his shoulder.

You still think about that girl right?

Spider spoke through their physic link with worry, he looked up at Y/N's face.

"I'm ....fine" Y/N spoke out.

Are you sure?

"Yeah, quite."

Y/N finally arrived at his bedroom's door, he twisted the doorknob and opened the door. His bedroom appeared in front of him, it quite simple actually. A working desk, a chair,  a bed, a medium-size closet, and a laptop on the desk, on the wall there were some newspaper about him save the city. He walked toward the chair and sat down, he raised his hand toward spider and signaled it to climb up. He put the spider on the desk, he pulled the drawer and took out a picture, there was a boy indicate a 6-year-old Y/N, his brother and a quite familiar girl who wearing a uniform with a hair clip which look like spider, she got blue eyes and familiar black messy hair. Y/N stared at the picture, he let out a faintly smile and tears dropped down his cheek.

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