Chapter 4: Catching up with the "others" part 1.

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Y/N: Where the hell I am?

Y/N looked at his suronding, confused.

Y/N: This look like New York but not my New York, wait Coca-Soda?? WHAT THE HECK IS IT?

He then looked to the radio.

Y/N: Mr.Stark? Can you hear me?


Y/N: We lost connect.

Then Y/N's sense went off, it wanted him to go somewhere.

Y/N: Do you felt that?

M/N: Yes!

Y/N and M/N then swung through the city, the spider sense guide them to go somewhere. They flew above a gigantic rhino but they didn' t notice.

Rhino: Wait, did I just see a mech? I swear to god that Twenty minutes ago I saw a schoolgirl with a mech, now if I see another i would be sick!

Then Rhino ran, followed them. M/N landed on the ground in a alley, Y/N inside was pressing the control button rapidly.

Y/N: The sense stopped? Great what now?

The sense went off again, this time louder like it wanted to warn about an attack. The mech leapt back, avoided a sudden attack.

Y/N: Who the hell are you?

Rhino: You can call me Rhino!

Y/N: Why I am not surprise?

Rhino rushed forward for another attack, the mech avoided the attack again.

Y/N: Look, I'm busy now so why don't we play another time? Wednesday?

Rhino: Oh sorry I'm busy that day!

He threw another punch but M/N caught immediately.

Y/N: Ok, if you like! Let's go M/N!

M/N: Very well!

The mech threw a powerful punch into Rhino's chest. Then another, another, another. after that Rhino was pinned into the ground.

Y/N: I won'at kill you but you need to sleep for now. M/N! Electricity web!

The web shooter on the mech's hand charged with electricity, suddenly, without warning, they glitched out, the mech fell to ground. Y/N groaned in pain.


M/N: I have no idea.

Took this chance, Rhino got back on his feet and threw a punch to M/N. Unfortunately for Y/N that the punch made damage to the system. 

Y/N: Dammit, M/N! How is our system?

M/N: Our system was damage after that attack Y/N!

Y/N: We need to get out of here!

Then the mech launched to the sky and swung away. Heading toward the place that spider sense told.

Time skip.

Y/N: Well this is interesting!

Y/N was standing in front of a house in Queen Street, it looked....normal but it quiet familiar to him. He reached his hand to the bell and pressed it. After a few second the door opened slowly.

???: Sorry but no more guest please!

A woman opened the door, she looked tired.

Y/N: Aunt May?

May: Well who are you?

Y/N: I'm Y/N. Y/N Parker, I know This sound crazy but actually I came......

May:...from another dimension.

Y/N: Y-Yes.

May: You look tired!

Y/N: Yeah, it was a long day.

May: Oh you also have mech like that girl huh?

Y/N: What girl?

May: Followed me, you think you are the only one who came here?

Y/N followed her to the backyard, they both stood in front of a small storage house. Before May opened the door, Y/N glitched out again then blacked out.

Time skip.

The weird feeling made Y/N woke up, he opened his eyes and saw a cartoon pig, a black and white Spider-Man and a girl in a school uniform which looked similar to his.

Noir: Hi fella!

Ham: Yo!

Peni: Hello!

Y/N: Uhm...Hi?

May: You finally wake up huh?

Y/N: Where am I?

Peni: Peter's base.

Y/N: Where is my mech?

Ham: It's over there!

Ham pointed to a mech that sat right next to another mech.

Ham: So now, let's us introduce ourselves, my name.......

Y/N: Wait, let's me guess, *point to Ham* you are Peter Porker, Spider-Ham,*point to Noir* you are Peter Benjamin Parker, Spider-Noir, *point to Peni* you are Peni Parker right? And you are...... Spider-....Loli???

Everyone in the room started laughing except Peni who was blusing and making a cute angry face.

Peni: NO, I AM NOT!!! I'M....

Y/N: Sp//dr right? I'm just kidding! Well it's the first time I made everyone laugh with my joke. What now?

May: You will have to stay down here for a while until we find out the way to solve this.

Y/N: Great ~_~

The Spiders-Genius? (Male reader x Peni Parker)Where stories live. Discover now