Chapter 3: A new dimension?

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      Third person P.O.V:

5 hours before the spider verse event!

Y/N was sitting in the mech, reading some note, he was going shopping I you ask.

M/N: Y/N! I got a message from Tony, he wanted to know where are you.

Y/N: Got it! Can you connect me with him?

M/N: Yes!

Then the display screen turned into the loading symbol, the screen turned black then appeared a man with the Arc Reactor on his chest, he was Tony Stark aka Ironman aka my boss.

Tony: Where are you kid? I need your help on something here!

Y/N: I'm going shopping! Do you want a cheese burger? I'll buy it for ya.

Tony: Ok kid, oh and bruce said he want some taco! Can you get it?

Y/N: Yeah, no problem!

Tony: Cool! See ya!

Y/N: Bye!

Then the screen turned back to the control screen.

Y/N: Ok, one taco, no three, maybe I gonna have some! Two cheese burgers. Hm that's it.

M/N: Yeah you have to do this quick.

Y/N: I know!

Then Y/N got out of the mech in a black alley.

Y/N: Later return here to pick me up!

M/N: Got it!

Y/N went straight to the shopping mall.

2 hours later, 3 hours before the spider verse event!

Y/N: Hm..... chicken meat: checked, vegetable: checked, bread: checked, noodles: checked, cheese burgers: checked, taco: checked. Ok, that's all!

Y/N walked to the small black alley next to the mall.

Y/N: M/N!!!

Then the mech jumped down and land very quiet, well as quiet as it can.

M/N: Have you got everything?

Y/N: Yub!

M/N: Good! Now we need to head back.

Y/N: I know, I know.

Time skip, 1 hours before the spider verse event

Tony: Well, that's the last thing!

Y/N: That power of your new Arc Reactor is MASSIVE!!!

Tony: Yeah I know but we almost destroy the lab because of it's power!

Y/N: Good thing that we already clean it up so let try again!

Tony: Good thinking.

Then suddenly, the alarm went on like crazy.

Y/N: What is that?

Tony: Friday! 

Friday: Look like Vulture is attacking New York again!

Y/N: I will take care of him!

Tony: Sure you can handle this?

Y/N: Of course, why not? I will be right back!

Then Y/N changed into his uniform.

Y/N: LET'S GO!!!

Time skip, 20 minutes before the spider verse event

The man who called Stan Lee, was cleaning the library while listening to music, the library was clean, he just stood there and shook his head with the beat of the music, suddenly out of nowhere, a mech flew through the wall and crashed into a few bookshelves, cost them to break.

Y/N: Dammit!

Tony through the mech's radio: You know that he has the upper hand right?

Y/N: Yes, I know, he can fly so he can do quicker attack! I need to find a way to win him in this condition.

Vulture: It's useless little spider! You cannot defeat me! I am the mi.....

Before he could finished his sentence, a chair flew toward him and made him fell to the ground.

Y/N: You talk to much!

Then webs covered him and held him down.

Y/N: Finished!

Vulture: You think that enough to win me?

His wings wide opened and torn the webs apart.

Y/N: You gonna be kidding me!

Tony through the mech's radio: Look kid, you have to find another way!

Y/N: Ok, how about this?

Then the mech jumped and land on a side of the building.

Y/N: Take this!!!

Vulture: Come on.

M/N fired two webs a prepare to launch but some portal opened and sucked it in.'

Y/N: What the hell is this???

Tony through the mech's radio: Y/N!! Get out of there!!!

Y/N: I can't.... MR.STARKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!

Then everything went black, Y/N opened his eyes and saw..... the webbing and verse. After that fast experience, he flew through New York and slammed into an electric billboard.

Y/N: Ouch!

Y/N Woke up in side the mech

Y/N: Where the hell I am? 

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