21 | languid goodbyes

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"Are you off your rocker, Lysandra?"

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"Are you off your rocker, Lysandra?"

"I am afraid you heard me perfectly right," Lysandra sighed, rubbing her forehead. "I want someone to take me to Mantisdor so I can get my belongings. I feel rather homesick."

It was a lie. A well composed and meaningful lie that she had found herself spitting out. In reality, she wanted a closure after the storm toppled her world.

"Taking you there is a whole another issue. But, you threatening the King is what I want to know more about," Seraphine concluded, her eyes still wide open with the aftermath of the shock. "What did you mean by I had him in a compromising scenario?"

"None of your concerns, cousin. Now, will you take me there or should I find someone else to do my job?"

"I guess I can do that. I mean— "

"Sera! Your mama is searching for you. Apparently Micah broke some fancy vase of hers shoved the blame on your clumsiness." It was Maevis who had suddenly appeared in the hallway where Lysandra and Seraphine were indulged in a conversation.

Seraphine cursed lightly before stomping away with clenched fists. Lysandra was amused, never having heard the composed royal curse before. It was a comical sight to see her turn red and furious.

"What are you smiling at?"

"Maevis," Lysandra started as soon as an idea popped into her head, ignoring her previous jibe. "Would you be a dear and glitch me somewhere important?"

"And why would I do that?" she challenged, quirking a well groomed eyebrow up.

"Because I said so."

"Get off your high horse, princess. You are a pathetic runaway," Maevis grunted. "So don't you dare call me a glitch."

"I never called you a glitch," Lysandra prompted and then stopped herself murmuring something about Maevis not understanding her intellectually framed sentences. Rolling her eyes, she looked straight at the obsidian eyes which were gawking at her with the same intensity. "Look, I know you don't like me but, just do this and I will never bother you again."

"What is the assurance that you won't try to run away?"

"I won't," Lysandra promised. When Maevis's features conveyed that she wasn't convinced at all, she huffed, rolling her eyes. "You can handcuff me if you find that necessary."

Lysandra never put effort to strike a conversation with people or tried to persuade them into something. She was always on her own and manipulation didn't come easy to her. At that moment, she was desperate but helpless as to how to advance the chat to make Maevis trust her. She couldn't let too many people know that she was visiting Mantisdor as it implied imminent danger to both her and the Verlices whom she adored very much.

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