Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. You hadn't seen klaus for many years you were a very good friend of his well he was in fact in love with you but you were unaware of this
After several years of being away you thought you'd pay klaus a visit well a surprise visit
Klaus was in his garden painting he always love to paint and you used to love watching him paint
You walk up to wards klaus but he was so into his painting
"And what may I ask has inspired the great Nicklaus to paint this time" you smiled
He looks over with a big great
"Actually it was the feeling of missing an old friend what do you think" he says moving away from the painting
"Nick this is amazing, if I'd known you were this lonely I wouldn't have left have the years really been that unkind" you ask touching his face
"I'll explain everything over dinner come on inside" he says taking your hand
You decide that you were going to stick around for a while and have a little fun in this little town of mystic falls

Vampire ?♀️ Diaries Gif Series ?
FanficA gif series of Vampire Diaries let me know if you want a request