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"Zane. Zane!"

I opened my eyes to see the fire-filled ruby eyes of Kai. I blinked twice drowsily before looking to my other brothers' eyes. Everyone's face seemed to change from worry to relief. I swallowed in an attempt to remove the knot in my throat as I sat up.

"What… happened…?" I whispered with a sorrowful voice.

"You left that note telling us that you were going to your tree home. We worried when you hadn't come back…." Cole said. I blinked as my mind was just consuming everything. I glanced to his deep, strong coffee eyes with wonder.

"If you're wondering, you were gone for two days…." Jay stated, causing me to stare at his lively emerald eyes.

"T-Two days!?" I exclaimed as I looked back to Kai. Everyone nodded, causing me to faintly bite my lip. I realized how much my legs hurt.

Maybe I was standing for two days while I watched all those clips of me and…. And….

My brothers gasped as I circled into a ball, my head resting on my arms, and hid my face. I heard their boots against the floor and their hands on my shoulders as the knelt beside me. I gave a soft sniffle.

"Zane…?" Jay's voice filled my ears but I didn't really hear him.

"She…. She didn't… d-deserve it…." I choked into my arms. "M-my… f-fault she…." I tightened my hands into fists, fiercely gripping my sleeves. I freely cried as my brothers continued to comfort me for a problem they didn't know. A problem they wouldn't and couldn't understand.

If I wasn't so weak back then… then she would still be with me.

"Zane…." Lloyd's voice echoed in my head. My eyes snapped open and I lifted my head, looking around swiftly, causing my stiff neck to ache. I returned to my ball as I didn't see the beloved Gold Ninja.

A year ago another great battle happened. No one had a name for it, only The Unforgettable War. A large Dragon by the name of Glaedr attacked Ninjago. When Glaedr had me pinned Lloyd had saved me, but at the price of his own life. Ever since I had been rather depressed, but I soon got over it, knowing he would want us to be cheerful.

The sound of Lloyd's voice was like music to my ears. I deeply miss him, and if there was a way to bring him back, I would pursue it in an instant.

"Zane…. Remember Asuna…." Lloyd's voice echoed again, causing my eyes to tighten and me to swallow. He knew….

I raised my head and looked at my brothers. They only stared at my bloodshot eyes as I stood.

"I want to speak to Sensei. Now."

Later that day

Sensei simply stared into my aching icy eyes. I saw it in his golden, youthful pearls. He had the answers this whole time. He knew what happened. But never said a word.

I narrowed my eyes at him, snarling. "Tell me!" I shouted in sudden anger. I had actually tackled him when we arrived on the bounty. My brothers were standing in the doorway, completely shocked as I had sensei pinned on the floor, a fist raised, and tears in my eyes. "Tell me what you know!"

Sensei stared without fear. "Before I start… know that I did not tell you for your own good…."

I only narrowed my eyes more.

"After your sister fell you didn't move for countless days. Julien finally found you but you were… distant and never focused. You were so depressed. You never smiled or laughed. You weren't you." Sensei started. His eyes glanced to my chest, and I realized there was another clip. I got off him and stood, opening my panel. I pressed the play button and projected my memories so my brothers could see.

I was sitting on the couch. A mirror was in front of me and I glanced up a split second. My eyes weren't icy, but a pure sapphire. My hair was sprawled all over and my eyes were shadowed and clearly unfocused and distant. I looked faintly to my left as Sensei in his earlier years walked in.

"Where is she?" He asked my father. My father cringed and bit his lip.

"Wu… Asuna is dead…."

"Impossible. The Ninja of Ice… dead?"

My father nodded sadly, staring at his toes. "There… is one way to get a pure Ninja of Ice." He whispered to Sensei Wu. Wu perked. My father sighed. "I… can input the power into Zane…. It would require shutting him down and removing all his memory, but it would save Ninjago."

"Do it." Sensei said quickly. Julien's eyes snapped to Sensei's, they were filled with horror. "Saving Ninjago is top priority. Do not worry… I will tell him everything."

They both looked at me. My father took slow steps towards me. He swallowed deeply.

"I… I am so… sorry. Son." He said as he opened my chest panel. I glanced up at his lively eyes, nearly the same as Jay's, my sapphire eyes filled with pure wonder and a childish glow. He placed a soft finger on my power switch.

He flipped it as I desperately said one word.


I stared straight forward as the memory faded. The room was purely silent. My eyes felt hot with tears.

"I-I'm…." I turned to Sensei. "I'm just… a replacement…?" I whispered. Sensei only looked to the floor. My fists tightened. "I'm not destined to be…." I looked back to my brothers. No. not my brothers. The REAL Ninja. I shook my head and ran out, forcibly shoving Jay and Kai away as I ran past.

Wu treated my sister like she was nothing! Like a simple toothbrush! If it stops working, you throw it out and get a new one! I knew there was more to him when I saw him….

I ran to my room, slamming shut the door and locking it as the Ninja reached it. I jumped on the bed, covering my face in the pillow. I'm just a replacement. They considered my sister broken. I need to speak with her. I have to fall asleep… but how?

I looked up from the pillow. The only contents of my room were my bed and my desk, along with a closet. I sighed as I got up and stared at the wall. I closed my eyes and exhaled and got in position to run. I'm going to sleep one way, or another. I burst forward. My white door burst open as soon as my head contacted forcefully into the hard wood wall.

"Zane!" The ninja shouted as my consciousness slipped and I fell into another dream. I was going to see Asuna, the only one who could answer my questions. My sister, the key to all this.

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