The Funeral and the Lie

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I let the tears fall freely from my eyes, though I don't think any of the Ninja noticed the difference between the water of sadness and the water falling from the sky. As far as I knew, they were all crying. If not from Zane's death, then from the knowledge that their trusted Sensei, who was like their father. I knew Lloyd Garmadon was shedding tears because Zane was the one who saved us for the price of his life.

Dad as here too, and cried as freely as I did. He never thought he would live to see Zane be killed; especially by the man he called a childhood friend. He tried to create another chip to bring Zane to life, but the computers of today broke under such complex codes, and he couldn't find his specially made computer he used to make Zane.

Jay Walker, the Ninja of Lightning, walked up to Zane's body and knelt.

"Zane was a kind and intelligent person. He cared for ever being, no matter what it did to this world. He knew no evil…."

Kai Flamey, Ninja of Fire, did the same.

"Zane was calm and collective. It was nearly impossible to get down when you were around him. He was so positive…."

Cole Brookstone went up next.

"Zane was loyal and he didn't doubt any one of my commands. He never doubted anyone, and learned quickly from his mistakes…."

Dad went up.

"Zane was the best son anyone could ask for. He was helpful, and gladly cleaned up anything I needed cleaned. He was, as some would say, a Do-Gooder. I… I love you son…."

Lloyd was sad to depart, but he went up anyway.

"Zane was the best brother anyone could have. He was also a better hero than all of us combined, no doubt. He gave his life and risked it so many times to save Ninjago. He will always be my brother."

Lloyd returned to my side, the tears were streaming down his face, clearly distinguishable from the raindrops. Zane wore the same elemental uniform he had on when he last fell asleep. I wore his old Ninja uniform, which seemed to fit perfectly, and took his place as the Ninja of Ice. But I knew I could never truly replace Zane. He was perfect for the role, and would have gladly continued it.

I shook my head and turned away from my brother's corpse and buried my face in Lloyd's shoulder. We had decided to date after the accident with Zane. I just felt that's what he would have wanted. Lloyd made no attempt to move away; instead he just held me close and said some comforting words. But I didn't hear them. I didn't want to.

I wanted to say the things I thought of my brother. But my heart wouldn't allow it. I hurt too much, and the others' words didn't help.

Lloyd's shoulder didn't help me. So I shook my head, whipping my face on his wet uniform and stared into the distant woods. I took off as fast as I could, and I heard Lloyd shout my name before chasing after me.

I saw father's old house and ran in and down the stairs. I stopped as I saw the picture of Zane on the dresser near the fireplace. I gave a small sniffle and picked it up. He looked so happy and cheerful, his arm wrapped around my 7 year old self. I shook my head and dropped the picture, causing the glass to crack. I shakily walked to the couch and sat, tears streaming down my face.

I suddenly felt Lloyd's hand on my shoulder then his arms wrap around me.

"Asuna…. I-It'll be ok…." He softly whispered.

"No! It won't!" I shouted in denial. "How can you even live with yourself, knowing that what Zane did was… was…."

"What do you mean…? What about what Zane did…?" He softly asked, his voice showed a hint of horror and shock. I stared in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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