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My eyes opened and I sat up. I gasped and curled into a ball as I realized where I was. The same cliff Asuna fell from. I heard the comforting sound of her angel wings beating.

"Zane…?" Her childish voice whispered as she landed in front of me. I stared at her.

She was older now. Her hair went to her waist, and she appeared 15. She blinked twice as she crooked her head. I jumped up and hugged her tightly.

"A-Asuna!" I shouted happily. I noticed her smirk as she returned the hug. I backed up and looked at her. "You're… older."

"When angels' birthdays occur, they take the form of the age they are now for a day." She said in a soft, yet strong voice.

"So… the accident happened…."

"8 years ago, yes." She finished my sentence, looking around.

"You shouldn't have come…. This is when he is at his strongest." She said, glaring into my eyes.


A bush rustled violently. A pure black boot stepped into the clearing, causing the clear sky to turn black and crimson red. Lightning flashed as a figure the same size as me stood in the open.

He was pure black, with a slight purple haze around him. He snapped open his eyes, revealing pure, blood red pearls. He smirked, revealing his white, demonic teeth. He gave a laugh that was both demonic, and mechanical, yet so much like mine. Two shurikens flew into his awaiting hands. The same ones that nearly caused me to fall into the chasm.

"Who are you…?" I whispered as a feeling of dread kept over me.

His voice was the same as mine. Exactly, with a hint of evil. It sent pure shivers up my spine.


"Me?" I repeated in a shaky voice. Asuna stepped in front of me protectively. The evil me laughed once more and took another step forward. The green grass burst into flames under his foot, but the embers quickly vanished.

"Zane…." Asuna whispered, her icy eyes still staring at 'me'. I glanced to her. "Wake up. Now."

"I…. I cannot." I noticed her face flash with horror. She shot her head to look at my face. I bit my lip. "The only way I could see you again was to knock myself out…."

"Zane!" She snapped. The evil me took another step.

"Who is he, sister?" I asked as I took a cautious step backwards, careful not to fall over the cliff and into the chasm of blackness below.

"Your guilt." Asuna whispered.

"My… guilt?" I repeated. She nodded.

"When you saw me fall you blamed yourself. Your guilt was immense. When father turned you off the first time, your guilt was still trapped in your body. Without the happy memories of me, your guilt grew and absorbed all the guilt you felt from your Ninja relatives. You held it in until it was strong enough to have physical form, and to form the gorge behind us."

I blinked twice. "And… what happens if I fall in it…?"

"You will be consumed by pure, powerful guilt. Your nice, smart spirit will be no more, and your guilt will grow ever stronger, until it will be able to possess your body."

"Guilt is a strong thing, boy." Guilt said, and gave another laugh that sent shivers up my spine. "That retched angel next to you appeared in your dreams to protect you, and keep you from falling into your guilt. She is your guardian."

"But… it was…. I…." I simply stared at my sister with wide eyes. "You… protected me…?"

Asuna nodded with a smile and grabbed my hand softly. I felt her happy, calm spirit float into mine, causing me to smile. She turned back to Guilt with pure anger on her face, and determination to save me on her mind. She crossed her arms in front of her face and gave a battle cry as her wings surrounded around her. When they opened she was in a white long-sleeved shirt and pure white short skirt with a dove design, her golden hair was tipped with white, the Shurikens of Ice where in her hands. She was the Ninja of Ice.

I stared in awe at my sister's transformation and realized that I had changed into my black ninja uniform (The one from the last episode) as well. The Ice Blade was firmly in my hands.

Guilt laughed as he witnessed our transformations. He raised his black Shurikens of Guilt and threw them. They missed me and Asuna and returned to his hands. Asuna glanced at me with a smile.

"Ready, brother?"

"Ready, sister."

We both gave a shout as we ran forward, weapons drawn.

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