Chapter 1

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Playlist-ET by Katy Perry

Hi you don't know me yet, but I know you better than anyone. Your just like me, and in many ways we are both a mixture of bad-ass and dumb-ass but its okay the best people are. So lets dive into the story of OUR life cause theirs so much to talk about. Ill give it to you straight, so lets start from the beginning where it all started.

My dad never planned on having kids, like ever, but I consider myself a blessing in his life. I mean he is the one and only Lord Voldemort. My mom was very into my father since she first laid her eyes on him.Her name is Maisy Reader, and if you knew me personally you wouldn't even be able to tell if I was related to her or not. Our personalities are very different, well except for one thing. The undying feeling to want power at any cost.The only main issue was my mom was a muggle-born. Which makes me a half-blood since one of my parents weren't born into magic.Anyways my parents had a fling and then you can put the rest of the puzzle pieces together. Nine months later I was brought into this world.

I'm an Aries which explains a lot of things about me.My full name is Violet Rose Riddle and i'm part of the dark side. Growing up my dad made sure I was treated like royalty every where I went I was practically famous. Everyone knew my name and no one would dare use it in the wrong way. I didn't really have a mom figure around because my dad made sure I didn't have a close relationship with her. He wanted me to be known as Voldemort's daughter not Voldemort and the muggle-borns child. So I had no connection with my mom not that I cared or anything because I was living the great life just where I was.

My dad kept me from a lot of things though, like school or making friends. Normal things that normal people did. But I wasn't "normal" I was anything but that. Before I was born the whole, "Harry Potter" mess happened. It didn't bother me accept for when people would approach me and tell me stories about my fathers doing. Bad stories, they would describe him as a monster, a killer, a villain. I couldn't help but laugh. Did they think that would scare me?

Life at my home would sometimes get very boring. I mean how many times can you count the same old spell books. That's when my dad introduced me to a new family. I say new because I never met this family before. I was nine at the time and didn't think much of it. I was excited to see them though. Hopefully a kid my age would come so I can play with them.

When I went to go see them it was a family of three. The one talking to my dad was a tall man with long blond hair. Some would even go as far as saying he had daunting eyes. He turned his focus to me. He gave me a smile and ruffled my hair.

"Well, hello Miss Violet Riddle"said the man talking to my dad.

I stood up straight and nodded my head as he introduced himself to me.

"My name is Lucius Malfoy"the man elaborated putting a hand out front of me to shake. I observed his hand and took my hand out of my left pocket. I shook the mans hand and finished with a fake but promising smile.

The rest of the family came closer to my father and I. There was a lady who looked around the age of forty-five at the time. Her hands covering her mouth as she stared at me. She looked at my father and released her hand from her mouth. I always wondered what she wanted to say to me but I shook it off and continued. She looked at my father and back to me as she introduced herself.

"Hello dear, my name is Narcissa Malfoy" she extolled smiling from ear to ear. I smiled back at her as she yet again looked at my father.

"And this is my son, Draco Malfoy"the women said bringing the blonde boy who was hiding behind his mothers back to the front.He looked around my age and was definitely shy at first.His father gave him a stern look which I could tell made him more agitated. He let go of his mothers dress and walked closer to me. I smiled and put my hand out this time introducing myself.

"My name is Violet Riddle nice to meet you" I renounced. The green eyed boy smiled and shook my hand. My dad made the family feel at home and took them into a room to talk privately. The boy followed behind them after his dad called his name. I sighed walking down the hallway into the kitchen area. A plate of cookies where laying on the table and I was starving.I went to go reach one when I felt arms around my waist.

"No, Miss Riddle those our for dinner" a lady with short brown hair said.

"But Amy i'm starving I just want one" I pleaded she folded her arms and pointed to the outside of her kitchen.

"I don't want to see you anywhere near this kitchen while i'm cooking" Amy said shooing me away. I grunted looking up to the ceiling and pouting.

"I'm so bored Amy and then on top of that I haven't eaten since breakfast"I complained hoping to make her give in on giving me a cookie.

"You know the rules Miss. Riddle, eat when the food is served or don't eat at all" she said gathering things and bringing them into a pile on the kitchen counter.

"Who even made that stupid rule" I said now dragging on the conversation.

"Your father, and I think you should hold on tight food will be ready in twenty minutes. Why don't you go play with the new little boy over there he seems nice". I look up at Amy and place my hand on my cheek.

"Dads got him and his family, his father wouldn't even let me talk to him" I said rolling my eyes at the thought of his father pulling him away from me. Amy giggled and grabbed a wipe to wipe down the counter top.

"Don't worry that family isn't going anywhere" Amy said before giving me a side smile and walking into the kitchen with the cookies in her hands. I sighed and scurried my way back to my room till dinner.

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