Chapter 7

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Draco's POV-

My smile fades as Snape takes me out of charms class to tell me some more bad news. I begin to get irritated and frustrated.

"There is no way in hell i'm going to do anything else for Voldemort I don't need or want a 'partner' to help me out I'm fine on my own"I hiss at Snape.

"You really think you have an option, your 'partner' will be coming here tonight and I expect you too give them a warm greeting" Snape profounds. "Do you understand me Draco".

I look at him as he stares at me intensively. I knew no matter what answer I gave him at the end of the day my answer would be "yes".

He nods and hands me a paper slip. I read the slip aloud it let me get out of wherever I was to meet this partner I wasn't even aloud to know there name or if they where a girl or boy.

I Roll my eyes and walk out of his office and head to the room of requirement for the rest of the day. Or at least till my partner comes.

Violets POV-

I walk into the empty hallways of the humongous school. My eyes flutter over every single wall, picture, detail. It absorbs me and makes me feel somewhat happy but I push that thought out and keep my stern face.

"Here is your robe, you will be in slytherin and will need to learn a few things but we will do that later" Snape says pointing to the robe in his office laying on his desk.

I walk towards it picking it up and going to change. Once i'm done I come out and I don't hate it as much as I thought.

"Your partner will be here in a few moments" he says. I nod continuing to let my eyes wander at the beautiful designs and sculptures along the whole room.

As i stare at the beautiful designs i don't realize the door opening. My back still is turned and i don't notice that my 'partner' has entered.

My partner pauses as they wait for me to turn around. I begin to notice they are there so I turn to see who it is and when I tell you my jaw dropped. It dropped for a split second but I made sure no one could see it and I put a smirk on my face.

My partner, the blonde haired boy stood in aw. Its been years and we had changed drastically the both of us.

Puberty really hit Draco since the last time I remember and Oh I know I looked different. I changed not just physically but mentally.

"Well, well if it isn't Malfoy" i say walking closer to him and finally sticking my hand for him to shake just like old times.

He stares at my hand and looks up at me. He swallows, "Riddle". I giggle and put my hand back by my side.

"Actually its going to be Newmen for a little but oh yes a pleasure Malfoy".

He just stands there still trying to process everything. He stands up straight finally trying to look more presentable.

"Long time" he said staring at my dark black hair and my light brown eyes.

I smile, "very long". I bit my button lip and pushed my hair backwards.

"Well Snape I think introductions are done i'ts time to get to business".

Dracos POV-

She was standing right in front of me and I still couldn't believe it. "Long time" is all i could manage to escape my mouth. What am I suppose to say I never thought i'd see her again. I stare at her new appearance. Shes not nine anymore and definitely changed. Her hair is mid length and straight. Her eyes are a light shade of brown with an almost yellow tint to them.

I didn't know what to do or say but i finally pulled myself together. Besides its just Riddle whats the big deal.

I bring her into the room of requirement her eyes look everywhere around like shes never been outside before. I pull myself together and finally learn how to operate again.

She plops down on the coach and observes me looking up and down.

"Ridd- i mean Newmen we are partners i guess" i say and she looks up at me.

"No shit" she says "heres the deal blondie i'll do my part and you do yours" I look at her in confusion.

"Newmen I think i'm fine I can do this by myself just go sit down and stare at the ceiling" I snap back at her. No one can talk to me like that I don't know what made her think she was any different.

She stood up from her seat on the coach. "Actually Malfoy i'm in charge here, so lets not get so snappy". She says standing up in front of me she turns to the vanishing cabinet and goes to see it.

"Ah I see what your planning, i would say smart but i'm afraid your ego may burst" she does it again but this time all I do is role my eyes and bite down on my lip.

"So shall we test it out" I say as she looks around at the cabinet. "No" she replies.

"No" i say back.

"Listen blondie this isn't going to work by just putting something in there you need a spell". She enlightens me and continues to observe the cabinet.

"Now how do you know if I have a spell or not" I snap back at her this time ready for what she says.

She looks up from the cabinet and looks my way with an annoyed face. "Do you have a spell"? she says and my face drops, "no".

She scoffs, "okay blondie I have an idea".

"What is it" I say eager to know her master plan.

"I work on figuring a spell while you fetch ingredients" I groan and look at her.

I sigh, "do i have an option anyways". She playfully punches my shoulder and walks to the coach, "nope".

I sigh, this is going to be an even longer year than I anticipated.



You guys are so sweet. I want you to know it means the absolute world to me that your reading this book. I thought no one was going to read it and I am so happy to see people telling me they like my book. I love you all so much you mean the world to me.

P.S the whole spell thing about the vanishing cabinet I made up so don't worry about that:)

Anyways love y'all. 

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