Chapter 4

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                Playlist- heartless by the weekend

Fast forward seven years later...

A lot has changed since the last time we have spoken. I changed. We changed.

For starters I am now officially sixteen years old and couldn't be more excited. I've pretty much stayed in the same area my entire life and spent countless days stuck at home. Its not that exciting but at least now I can wonder of sometimes by myself.

I like to go to the library, reading stories of monsters and supernaturals that muggles seem to write a lot about. Its funny to see how they perceive us as these horrific monstrosity of evil.Its just something to keep the time moving besides I only read muggle books because I had read every single spell book at least three times. I was definitely the smartest wizard out there. Well at least that's what I can assume.

There is still a lot that haven't changed like my room and the different shades of grey on my ceiling. Or the fact that i'm not an official death eater yet. I dreaded the thought of me never being able to become one because that's the only thing keeping me going.

I pretty much live on my terms and my terms only. I never failed at anything that I put my mind too and I became the wizard I am today.

I was trained by my father of course for portions of my life but when I got older he brought Snape in. He would come over on Saturdays and teach me everything I needed to know. At age thirteen I was at a years sixth level of difficulty in Hogwarts.

It never bothered me, not attending Hogwarts. I could honestly care less. Besides I knew more than all those kids anyways. I didn't need to go there to prove I was better than everyone because honey I already knew that.

Today was no other than every other Saturday morning. I got up and put some black leggings and a knotted white shirt. I went out to the room where Snape would teach me. I didn't need help anymore so I would come in here and practice by myself.

I looked around at the dark interior that would put goosebumps on anyone who dared enter. While for me I felt relaxed and extremely overjoyed.

I finished my exercise for the day and put on a bitter look on my face. Which now is my settling face since I cant seem to show emotion anymore. I go to the large kitchen and grab a cup of water. I sit on the stools near my island and stare into space.

I don't move when I see Amy walk into the kitchen looking in a hurry.

"Good morning miss. Riddle" she exclaims grabbing my empty cup and putting it to clean.

I lean closer to the counter and get comfortable in my seat, "isn't it a beautiful day". I say looking out a window to the rainy and stormy view outside.

She smiles but her smile fades when she looks out the window. I let out a laugh and playfully hit her shoulder, "kidding". My dark hair brushes over her shoulder adding a dramatic effect to me walking away.

She smiles and turns to begin dishes by using a spell. I grab and apple from the kitchen counter and take a bite out of it.

"Where did you learn that spell" I ask leaning towards the counter.

"My mom taught me, she always did that when she would do dishes. I learned it from her" I swallow the piece I took of the apple and bite into the apple again, "sweet". I say before beginning to walk out the kitchen.

"Ill see you later Miss. Riddle" she says watching me walk away.

I put a hand to my forehead and then point it to her, "you already know it".


Today I decided to spice up my day by going and taking a trip down to the dungeon.

I know wow so scary.

My dad had a huge dungeon filled with people he wanted to make suffer. So I thought that they could use some more suffering by having to talk to me.

I walked down the stairs and into the dungeon. The first man I see is a man who looked around the age of sixty-four He had red hair covering his entire face and raggedy clothing which was ripped all over.

I walked in continuing to bite on my apple once in awhile.Once he heard me walk in he stood straight up and sighed.

"Ugh I know I know you don't like me but I choose to not care and come here anyways". I said watching as he rolled his eyes in annoyance with the bratty teen in front of him.

"What is wrong now Miss.Riddle" he said, his tone annoyed me. He was staring to get angry and I began to smirk.

"You know what Gilbert, I thought we were becoming friends" I said shaking my head ."You know you really should shave that beard, its getting to the point where your mouth is invisible". I say in a sarcastically concerned voice and then turn my head and slap my arms on my legs.

"Oh wait, I forgot you can't because your locked in here for life" I put my hands over my mouth."Oops"I say as he roles his eyes again in annoyance.

I yet again bite into my apple and can't help but let out a smirk.

He sighs in defeat, wishing I could just leave him alone but I didn't want to. I walked closer to his dungeon cell and looked through the barricades. "You won" he says, "you Riddle's always win".

I take a long look at him and turn my back beginning to walk away. "You know something Riddle, even with power you are weak and it shows".

I turn around now with a new expression on my face, shock. I try to not show it though.

"What did you say Gilbert" I say waiting for a response.

But my question gets left unanswered as he lays back against the brick wall. He was testing me I could tell. So I smirked and let out a devilish smile. "Is that how we are going to play this game".

He looks at me quite comfortable with the state he put me in. I put my arm behind my back slowly taking out my wand. And in a blink of an eye I point my wand at him. "Crucio" i say proudly with a smirk on my face.

The man drops and screams in pain all i can do is stare at the man. He looks up at me and begins to nod. "Now, now Riddle you better be more careful on who you set that spell on".

I shrug and walk out of the dungeon strutting with my head lifted high. I begin to lock up the doors and head into the rest of the house.

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