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"What- who's this random chick?"

"Shut the fuck up, Diego, she's sleeping."


Kit cracked her eyes open, spotting two figures watching her from the doorway of-

Wait, where am I? Kit thought. She threw the sheets off and blearily stumbled around the room, swatting at Diego's hands as they reached for her, trying to steady her.

Kit groaned and pushed through the girl to find herself in Elliot's shop, Five and Elliot looking up at her from where they were sitting on the couch.

"Oh, what the fuck." Kit walked right back into the bedroom and flopped onto the bed where she was sleeping before.

"Kit," Five weaved through the confused couple still in the doorway and stood on the side of the bed. "I know you're probably still mad at me, but we need to go find out some answers from my father, Reginald Hargreeves."

Kit sat up on the bed, her legs hanging off the edge. She looked up at Five.

"How exactly did I get here?"

"Well, when you left me to go sleep in your apartment, I asked the lady downstairs who owns the aquarium to let me in. You really need better security."

Kit rolled her eyes at him and crossed her arms. "Still doesn't describe how I got here."

"I phased you over to here so I can make sure no one assassinates you. Its not that hard to understand."

Kit sighed and flopped back onto the bed, spreading her arms out onto the mattress. She looked up at the ceiling, the dotted spackle perhaps making her more on edge than she was before.

"It's this more of a family matter? And don't start none of that bullshit on how I'm your family or whatever."

"You are, but that's not the point. He might be able to help us in stopping doomsday. Plus, thanks to your sleeping, we now have nine days until the world ends."

"You didn't need to wait for me to actually do something about it."

"The old tape that Hazel gave me, it shows Reginald Hargreeves was there when Kennedy as assassinated. We need to find out some answers. And the last time wasn't so successful." He stared pointedly at Diego in the doorway, who's mouth formed a small "o" at being called about because of his stab wound.

"Fine, fine." Kit sat up, adjusting her sunflower-printed dress and combing through her short red bob with her fingers. "I'll go. But only because I want to be there when your stupid ass gets handed to you by an old man."

Kit followed Five out the doorway, both pushing past Diego and Lila who were still standing there, silent.

"Wait, Kit? That's Kit?" Diego turned around and stalked after Five.

"They argue like an old married couple," Lila commented, pausing for a minute in confusion. She shrugged and turned around, following the small party of misfits to whatever adventure they would find themselves on next.


"So how long have you been with Five?"

After procuring a change of clothes from Kit's apartment, Lila wearing a shiny blue dress and Kit throwing on a lavender dress that complimented her hair nicely, they had "borrowed" Elliot's car to go to the fancy gala that was being held as a meeting place for a group of government. Diego himself borrowed a suit from Elliot (or, rather, stole), and Five just wore his usual umbrella academy uniform, which was both functional and appropriate for every occasion.

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