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Kit watched Five pace back and forth and back and forth until she couldn't stand it any more. The sun shine from above in yet another sticky hot Dallas mid-day, and it was doing nothing for Kit's nerves.

She got up and placed a hand on his shoulder gently, seeing the rage behind his eyes simmer. "Stop, Five. We have to think."

"Think?! We've already thought it through, Kit, and look where that got us! None of my siblings can reach a specific deadline-"

"Hey, Klaus and I are here!" Luther piped up, quieting down when Kit sent him a quick glance.

"-and now I'm left with nothing. I can't-" Five pushed her hand off of his shoulder and stormed inside Morty's, the door slamming behind him.

"Kit..." Luther trailed off, halting Kit, who was just about to go after Five and help him brainstorm new ideas.

She turned towards him, beckoning him to continue.

"You're close with Elliot- right?"

She nodded her head, her eyebrows furrowing when his his face turned crestfallen.

"Well, he's- the Swedish guys got him. He's under a tarp in the living room-"

Kit made a strangled sound and ran towards the door, her eyes blurring with tears making it hard to see where she was going.

She stopped at the tarp at the top of the stairs, sinking to the floor in front of it and burying her face in her hands as she sobbed, hard.

From across the room Five sighed, walking over to put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Kit, but we really don't have time for this. We need to-"

Kit shook her head violently, tearing her shoulder from his grasp. "No. No!" She sank even further into the floor, pressing her face against the cold tiles, groaning softly at how cold it was.

Five stood there for a minute, watching her cry. He didn't understand why Elliot had garnered such a reaction, he himself merely shrugged the kill off and informed Diego and Luther the saying was "an eye for an eye" as Kit took a shower and slept in her apartment. He assumed he himself was desensitized to death- having dealt out so many assassinations over the years- but Kit was much more emotional, and created bonds more freely than Five.

He cocked his head.

Kit's crying faded to the occasional sniff.

Five sighed again and lifted her up, trying his best to carry her to one of the empty bedrooms and set her on the bed. Kit stared off into space now, unfeeling.

Five sat next to her. "Kit." He put his arm around her and guided her head to his shoulder.

"He's dead, isn't he?"


"He didn't deserve it."

"No one ever does."

Kit nodded from her place on his shoulder, closing her eyes. "What now?"

"I don't know. We need another plan to go back, one that doesn't involve me using time travel."

Kit considered this for a moment.

"What day is it?"

"The twenty-first, why?"

Five perked up, running a formula through his head.

"Five, what's your idea?" She asked cautiously, pulling away to look at his calculating expression.

"We would have been here for what, a couple days? They would've shot you yesterday, so by now you're probably back with the Commission, but I'm going to be preparing to assassinate Kennedy in a couple hours or so."

"What- but Five, you know the dangers of meeting yourself in the timeline. Paradox psychosis is only one of the things that can go wrong-"

"If you have another idea, enlighten me." He responded. When she didn't reply, he went back to the calculations he was working on before. He paid her no attention as he zoned out, seeing imaginary numbers in the popcorn ceiling.

Kit smirked at his serious expression and swung her legs over his lap, straddling him. He was still zoned out, running equations through his mind over and over again. Kit set her face in his neck, kissing it gently.

Five immediately tensed and his eyes came back into focus, his hands hovering over her back, unsure what to do.

"Relax, Five, you're okay."

His hands wound around her waist, feeling her figure gently. His eyes slowly closed as she kept kissing his neck.


"It's okay, I know you don't like sex. Just kiss me?"

He smiled at her- a rare, real, genuine smile he only revealed to her- and leaned in to catch her lips with his.

"Five-" Luther paused, staring from his place behind the door he just opened, shocked at their compromising position.

Five growled and phased out from under Kit, slamming the door shut in Luther's face and phasing to sit at the top of the bed.

"Get your shoes off of this bed!" Kit snapped, giggling and taking off her own before joining him, shuffling until her head was on one of the pillows.

Five huffed and took his shoes off, fluffing the pillow behind him. He sat there, tense, until Kit set a hand on his shoulder and pushed him deeper into the pillows.

"Relax, dammit. We deserve a nap."

"Be sure it doesn't exceed forty-five minutes, after that time the body goes into REM."

"Yes, Five, I know." Kit pulled the blankets over them both, nestling in next to him.

They laid in silence for a while, Kit watching Five look at the ceiling and zone out again, running equations through his mind.

"I love you, Five."

He nodded, squeezing her tighter against him.

"I know, Kit."

She smiled gently and closed her eyes, letting his breathing lull her to sleep.


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