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Five dodged a backhand and tried to move around the white-haired Swedish man to get to Kit, who was being pinned to the ground by her throat. He kicked the Swede in the sternum, watching Kit topple her own assailant, pushing him out side window.

"Ah, shit." Kit looked out the window to the knocked out man. "I'm pretty sure I'm like nineteen percent Swedish. Do you think we're related?"

"Doubt it," Five grunted, blinking himself so he could punch the Swede in his side. The man kicked him back, grappling with him until he was overpowered. He gasped out a "Kit"  before he was put into a chokehold.

"Five!" She cried back, unable to help him now that she was aiding Diego in fighting off his own attacker. She cringed as he punched her ear, sitting on the floor to dig out her crushed hearing aid. "Damnit." She patted her pocket to be sure she had her extra before lunging back in the fight to help Diego.

Lila punched the man in the back of the head, helping Five by pushing him out yet another window.

"Dad," Diego whispered, throwing one more punch to the Swede Kit was holding down currently and looking out at their father and "mother", waiting for their car.

Five disappeared with a pop! and Kit ran down the stairs after Diego, slotting her extra hearing aid into her ear and catching the last words of an excerpt of Homer Five was reciting.

"I didn't you you spoke Greek."

"And I didn't know you had so many rapists afraid of you, yet here we are." Five smiled back at her sarcastically.

Kit had greeted, though "greeted" was more of a relative term, a couple of the people on her watchlist while she observed the staircase, staring down a few men and women who caught her eye. She had smirked at them and sent them a meaningful glance, watching them scurry away.

Kit grabbed Five's arm. "Too late?"

"He heard me." Five started walking towards the car, grabbing Kit's hand so she would follow him. "Kit, we need to get the Umbrella Academy back together."

Kit stole a glance behind her at an upset Diego and an "innocent" Lila before turning back towards Five.

"Now? Five, when was the last time you slept?"

"I'll sleep when I die."


Five turned around to look at her.

"Once we get back to Elliot's, you should sleep. We'll find your siblings in the morning, okay?" Kit stepped closer, tracing the bags under his eyes with her thumbs.

He closed his eyes. "Okay."

"Thank you." This time it was Kit pulling Five along towards the car.

They got in the backseat and waited, Diego arriving first and Lila coming soon after.

"Finished with your lover's squabble?"

"Shut it, Five. I don't need any of your snark right now." Diego started the car and viciously reared left, going back the way they came.

Kit gently ran her nails through Five's hair as he laid his head on her lap, sighing at the feeling. He would never tell anyone this, but his touch deprivation had gotten worse when he had left her in the Commission, and when Kit touched him- whether that be holding hands, or in this case, stroking his hair- he never wanted it to end.

Kit stopped running her fingers through his hair and he grunted.

"Don't stop. Please."

Kit smiled at him, leaning down to press a small kiss to his cheek.

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