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The smell of scrambled eggs woke Kit up the next morning.

Kit sat up in the bed quickly when she realized Five wasn't next to her, spotting his figure drinking yet another cup of coffee in the kitchen.

"You're drinking so much coffee, I'm starting to think you're getting addicted." Kit slipped the mug out of his hands and took a sip out of it herself, smirking at his small sound of disapproval at having his precious caffeine taken away.

"I am addicted, now give it back!" Five phased so he was behind Kit, trying again to snatch it from her grasp. He was, once again, unsuccessful. Diego chuckled from the dining table, and Luther rolled his eyes at their antics.

"And who exactly is this?" Luther asked, spooning his eggs into a bowl.

"This is Kit," Kit replied, taking a seat across from Diego and handing Five back his coffee.

"The Kit?"

"My gosh, Five, how many people did you tell about me?"

"Just my family." Five shrugged at her glare.

"You're the one who took down a whole infantry to save the life of a child?"

Kit stifled her giggles behind her hand as Five punched Luther in the bicep, mumbling something at him.

"This is beside the point. We have to get the Umbrella Academy back together to prevent doomsday."

"To prevent Dad from causing doomsday," Diego corrected, fiddling with a knife in his fingers.

"What?" Luther looked up from his eggs at Diego, his eyes shifting towards Five for an explanation.

"Once we get the Umbrella Academy together I'll explain everything, alright?" Five snarked, downing the rest of his coffee and walking towards the counter to pour some more.

"Wait, this whole time traveling thing," Elliot started, pausing as all eyes shifted towards him, "can't you just time travel everyone back?"

"Gee, I wish I had thought of that." Five's voice was dripping with sarcasm. "Unfortunately, the last time I tried I scattered everyone in the 1960s, and before that, I got stuck in the apocalypse for sixty years. Any more questions I can answer for you?"

"Uh, no," Elliot answered, retreating further into the door frame.

"Well, someone else has to get Allison," Luther said after a pause, his mouth full.

"You two still a thing?"

"Aren't you siblings?" Kit questioned after Diego's comment.

"She's married," Luther deadpanned, rolling his eyes at Kit when she giggled at him.

"That's rough, buddy."

"I'll get Vanya, Diego can get Allison, and Luther can go get Klaus. We'll all meet up here after." Five waited to receive nods from each of the people he named before walking towards the front doors to get to the car. He stopped after he realized Kit wasn't following. "Kit, you coming?"

"Yep!" She popped the P and patted Luther on the shoulder as she passed, winking and fist bumping Diego on her way to get to Five.

Elliot grabbed her shoulder before she could take another step. "Be careful, okay?"

"No promises," she quipped, giving him a cheery smile before catching up to Five and taking his hand.

"Luther said Vanya was on a farm on the East side of Dallas. I'll drive."

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