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They were an odd group. An old man, a huge guy, a teenager girl, and another teenage boy. If anyone would look at them, they might've guessed that the old man was the two teenagers' grandfather, the huge guy their father. Not only would they be wrong, the teenage boy would be so offended he might have considered killing them had the teenage girl not talked him down (after informing them she was not, in fact, a girl, and was a person, thank you very much.) Thankfully, though, no one talked to them as they walked over to where Five would, presumably, kill the president and complete his time at the Commission. It was there he thought he would have to say goodbye to Kit, but instead he would think of her while he plunged into a portal that went back to 2019. But, the old man didn't know any of this, and the teenage boy was currently ranting to the other teenager about why they should accept his proposal while the teenager rolled her eyes in fake annoyance. This had been a terrible two weeks for Five.

But there they were, walking and chatting, the paradox psychosis growing worse and the final stage creeping up on Kit's Five, who was currently theorizing why exactly Kit was refusing his offer.

"He's plotting against me, isn't he. And that goddamn oaf is agreeing because he looks older than me."

Kit was grateful for the change of subject, but was now worried as the paranoia worsened.

"I don't trust him."

"Five, he literally is you."


Kit rolled her eyes and trekked on, watching the old Five walk further in front as young Five began to talk to Luther. He stopped him suddenly.

"You are experiencing daddy issues, this time with your own brother, which honestly is driving me a bit crazy. But remember this: I'm fourteen days older than him. I have seniority here!" Five wiped some sweat off of his forehead, crazed. "It's me you should be listening to, Luther. I'm the daddy here!"

Kit giggled to herself and pulled on Five's sleeve, noticing Luther's shocked face.

"You still don't get it, do you?! I'll repeat it again-"

"We know, Five, we get it. You're the daddy here." She winked at him, his wild eyes not fully comprehending what she was saying.

"Five, please, you're being unseemly. I mean, look at you!"

It was true. Five's hair was all over the place from where he ran his fingers through it, and sweat was dripping down his chin. One hand was itching his side, while the other was gripped in Kit's, his sweaty palm threatening to slip.

"I admit there may be a possibility that I may not be in my right mind right now," he confessed.

"Okay, that's good-"

"But whatever I have, he has it too!"


"Hey, quit grab-assing. We're here."

Kit, Five and Luther watched old Five set up, the wind spiralling around them as the soft voice on the radio announced Kennedy's arrival.

"This is my favorite part..." he confessed to the wind as he set up his rifle.

"The calm before the storm," Kit finished, smiling at him softly as his face turned towards her. He beckoned her close and she complied, laughing at her Five as he tried to prevent her.

"I'll be okay, Five." She sat in the grass beside the old man as he continued to set up his rifle.

"Are you alright? Is that son of a bitch treating you right?"

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