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"No, no, no. Absolutely not. We're not going to kill the board!"

Five whipped his head towards Kit, his voice dripping with venom. "If you have any other ideas, please enlighten me now."

Kit blinked and stopped walking, Five pausing a couple places away when he heard her footsteps stop.

"I don't want to kill anyone else. I thought the killing was over."

Five strode over and gripped her shoulders, forcing her to look into his eyes. "One more time. We'll have to kill people one more time. Then we can go off to the future and do whatever we want together. This is the last time we have to kill anyone."

"Yeah?" Kit's hand grabbed his from where it was placed on his shoulder, looking into this intense gaze hopefully.

"I can't promise anything, but we'll be okay. We always are." He tucked her into his side and pulled her along, walking down the Dallas sidewalk and paying no attention to the stiff nods he received from people as they passed them.

"Can you phase to 1982 without ruining everything or do we have to get a briefcase from The Handler first?"

"Briefcase probably will work best." He kissed her temple and ducked into a telephone booth, dialling the number all Commission agents knew was the direct line to the Handler.

Five exited it and waited beside Kit, smiling fakely at the people passing to try to "avoid" suspicion.

The people around them froze, and Kit tapped her hearing aids as they got accustomed to the change in pressure.

"Are you ready to accept my deal?" The Handler drawled, stepping out from behind the phone booth. She held two briefcases in her hand. She set one down and held out her hand to accept a handshake.

"We accept." Five shook her hand.

"Excellent!" She smiled at them, handing Five the briefcase. "I've already scheduled this briefcase to appear in 1982, and in case you get any ideas, it will appear back in the Commission immediately after it has fulfilled its use. After you return, I will provide you with a briefcase to go back to your timeline." She glanced at Kit, smiling in response to her glare. "Everyone's timeline but The Kitten's, of course."

"Go to hell," she spat back, her arms crossing and glare deepening. She had never liked the Handler's vibe, much less how unbothered she seemed at the comment.

"Good working with you!" She quipped back, unlatching her briefcase and time returning to normal.

"You ready?" Five asked, smoothing back his hair and adjusting his uniform before picking the briefcase back up and holding out his hand for her to take.

Kit paused, checking the knives still hidden in her sleeves. "Yep!" She took his hand, and he opened the briefcase.


"Aww, I'm sorry guys, cookies aren't going to be set out until three!"

"I don't give a damn, you intolerable-"

Kit set a hand on Five's chest, smiling innocently at the young woman. "Forgive my brother- he's a bit temperamental when he's hungry. Our mother is actually in the meeting here if you don't mind telling us where she is?"

The woman looked at them and smiled, pointing towards a set of double doors. "Through there on your right."

Kit thanked her and pulled Five through the throng of dancers, ignoring his attempts to comment on her bluff. They went through the doors and looked around at the room in front of them, some stragglers from the party loitering around. They walked up to the vending machine.

"Seriously, Kit? Brother?"

"I don't know, Five, I have no clue how young people here date! It was the first thing I could come up with."

Five rolled his eyes at her and slid the coins in the vending machine. "What do you want."

"M&Ms would be nice," she answered, Five plugging the numbers into the machine.

The package got stuck and Five cursed, shaking the machine.

"Whoa, wait. Stand back." Kit waited for Five to take a step backwards before she kicked the glass, pulling out some chip packages and some M&Ms and stuffing them into her her pockets.

She handed the candy to Five, and opened one herself.

"Well done." He commented, surprised she would do such a thing.

"Anything for you, love." She stuffed a handful into her mouth and looked down, the package already halfway gone. "Next we need to threaten the makers of the packaging on these things, what's up with that?"

Five ignored her and looked around the room to find a weapon, smirking in triumph when he saw the axe in the corner. "You still have your knives?"

"Yep. I assume you're going for the axe."

"Can you get these people out of the room?"

Kit nodded, smiling sweetly at each party-goer and leading them to the double doors, locking them when the last person left.

"All clear."

She stood beside Five and pushed open the doors, turning to the right to find the board in full session.

"Shall we?" Five asked.

"We shall." Kit stepped into the room and unsheathed her knives, smiling at everyone graciously. "Hello, everyone! Please don't panic, we come in peace!"

She walked up to the first terrified board member and nodded at Five, watching him blink to the person opposite her, and smirked before she slit the board member's throat.

They took turns, Five phasing beside her and Kit vaulting over the table to kill each of the board members, whose screams caused both of them to smile.

"Just like the old days, huh?" Kit asked, stabbing someone in the chest.

Five grunted and brought his axe down on someone's head, turning towards the last board member standing.

"Hello there, AJ. Wonderful weather we're having," Kit quipped, standing at his side, the fish inside the head-tank turning to look at Five and Kit on either side of him.

"What- whatever they're offering you, I can double it!"

Five cocked his head. "Unfortunately, they aren't offering us money."

Kit plunged her knife into the tank, catching the fish in a plastic bag and tying it so it wouldn't spill. "And that's for blowing smoke in my face when I asked for a reassignment!"


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