Chris Hillman #1

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I woke up that morning with a throbbing headache,I threw the sheets aside and wandered to my closet throwing on a plain blue-striped, mini-shift.

I found myself already halfway out the door as I threw on my boots.
I walked down to the strip,I worked at a small book store not to far from my home,it unfortunately,paid me in scraps yet, it was still enough to get by. I checked my watch,I was gonna be five minutes late


I pushed past the crowd of bubbly teens and adults. I made my way inside, "Your Late"my friend Jenna,announced. I roll my eyes playfully as I place my belongings in my seat and finally,relax.

A few moments later

A Blond-haired boy walked in,he looked the type,his Beatle boots,his tight pants clasped around his lanky legs. You get the jist. He wanders around each aisle before stopping and flipping through the Fiction books. He looks up from his book and smiles at me,I smile in return. I observed for a brief second,his freckles scattered apoun his tan skin. His long hair swept over his eyes,He was properly beautiful,he looked like he was apart of the Beatlemania craze that's boomed around the country. He walk up to me and set his book on the counter it was a copy of "Catch-22" he leaned in,he whispred softly "Would you like to see my band tonight" "I dont even know your name"I say baffled,he just smiled as he extends his hand to shake it "Chris. Chris Hillman"he says
"Y/N L/N" I say as I rung his book and piled it in a little bag "Well,now we know each others names-will you see my band tonight?"he says softly
"Alright!"you say cheerfully,which was odd,even "it's at "The Whiskey"
At 6"he says as he walks to the door and waves and walks out into California heat. "Your getting lucky tonight"Jenna says as she flips through her magazine. I just ignore,maybe she was right?

Later that night(6:30)

I through on a knit top with corduroy pants,fiddling with my heavy curls as I stared in my mirror which evidently,had a huge ass crack it in.
I slipped into my leather boots, and headed out the door.

As I walked into The Whiskey,it reaked of cigarette smoke and alcohol. I read the sign up above the stage which read: The Byrds
I turned my head as the load sound of a harmonica rang into my ears,I saw Chris,he was playing Bass his long fingers gliding over the neck of the Bass,it was wonderful. He looked up from his Bass and smiled at me,he glowed under the neon lights like a higher power of some sort, He looked like an angel.

After the show

They packed up there equipment,I caught a glimpse at all the long-haired boys,there front man Gene was from Missouri like me. So we got along well,David was chasing girls right after the show,they said there goodbyes and parted. Chris walked up to me,"So,what ya think?"he says doe-eyed "it was wonderful-your a phenomenal bass player"I say. He blushes,his cheeks a bright crimson. "Thank you"he says softly,next thing I knew, we were out the door,he was walking me home he lived in the same part of the canyon as I did. We walked wandered up the street,"You look cold"he says as he pulls off his jacket,"I-I Well"I say awkwardly,he just chuckled as he wrapped his jacket around my shoulders. As moments passed by, We finally got to my front porch,"I know I didnt say this before-but,you look absolutely wonderful,Y/N" he says,his voice warm and caring. "Thank You,Chris"I say,he was just inches from me,he closed the gap.
His warm lips crashing into mine,he slipped his hands around her waist pulling her closer as her hands intangled with his hair.

He pulled away,they let shaky breathes. He pulled out a pen and small slip of paper and wrote down something. "Heres my number,Y/N"he says calmly. I took the slip of paper,as I began pulling off the jacket "No-No,keep my jacket, it looks better on you anyway"he says running his fingers through his blonde hair. "Goodnight,Y/N"he says softly as he hobbles down the porch steps "Goodnight,Chris" I say as walk inside.
I felt joy bubbling up inside me,as I stripped of my clothes. I hopped into bed,I felt like I was in a euphoric I fell into a deep,joyful sleep
,Awaiting for the next day.

as I fell into a deep,joyful sleep ,Awaiting for the next day

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