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Hermione reaches into her bag and pulls out the time turner the three of them had managed to steal from the ministry. "Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked, looking at Harry, who nodded back to her. "So many people died for me Hermione, my parents, my friends, I can bring them all back" it had taken Harry a long time to convince Hermione and Ron to do this, they all knew it was dangerous and illegal, but he had gotten them when he brought up Fred "ok" Hermione said as she reached for Rons hand, who squeezed her hand to reassure her. The 3 of them had worked out how many turns they needed, or so they thought, to get to 1981 and Hermione started turning. when she got to the right number she grabbed onto the other two and they disappeared from the room.  
The world around them started disappearing, like they were apparating, but in slow motion, and it didn't make you wanna throw up. Everything looked distorted and was hard to look at, like it would hurt your eyes if you watched for too long so Harry looked away, instead looking at his friends. They both had their eyes closed and seemed to be holding each other a little tighter than they were holding him which Harry would've rolled his eyes at if he didn't think that would make them pop out of his skull. He closed his eyes then, and when he opened them, they were no longer standing in the safety of Hermione and Ron's apartment. In fact, Harry doubted they were even in the wizarding-world still. He looked around and saw a few things he recognised from a trip with the Dursley's when Miss Figg was sick that one time. Harry hears some loud noises and him and Hermione go to follow it when Ron calls out to them "guys! Over here! You might wanna see this" Ron is pointing at an old looking newspaper that must've been plastered to the ground when it rained last. He kneeled down and placed his finger below the date, pointing at it. The date read '3/9/79'  Harry looked at the others, "shit" muttered Ron. They were meant to land in 1981, that way they wouldn't mess up anything before they absolutely had to. "What are we gonna do?"

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