Going home, sort of

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When everyone had finally finished drinking and embarrassing each other with stories, they started to clean up their mess. They didn't have to clean up, but they always did anyway, so the workers there would have less of a job. While they were cleaning Harry noticed that Sirius had fallen asleep already and was laying on Remus, who had his fingers running through Sirius' hair absentmindedly. Sirius opened his eyes slightly and looked up, leaning forward and whispering something in Remus' ear, Harry watched in awe as Remus leaned down, but then he heard his not-yet-mother call him and he turned around, looking away from the odd scene on the couch. Lily asked him if he could go with her to take some of the empty cans to the bin and he followed, not aware that Lily was trying to pull him away from the two boys before he saw something he shouldn't have. It was the 70's after all, and Harry was a stranger, they didn't exactly trust him just yet. He turned to Lily as they left, thanking her for letting them stay the night. "I told you, Harry, it's no big deal, we've got room and you need a place to stay" she said sweetly. Harry just smiled back at her and yawned, he was really getting tired. He had things to do, murderers to stop, but nights like these were always nice, and he was thankful he finally got to meet his parents when they were still alive, even if they didn't know they were his parents.
The other kids walked off into their own places in pairs, Remus and Sirius were holding hands and walking together to the house Harry assumed they shared, while Marlene, the blonde girl with the leather jacket, and Dorcas, the girl with dark skin and matching hair walked together to a different house, their arms linked. Pettigrew and Mary, the other girl from the couch, had already got to their house and were walking inside, shutting the door behind them.
The trio followed James and Lily back to their home. They were walking a bit in front of the trio and Lily had her arm wrapped around James' waist, while his arm was around her shoulder, they were laughing quietly and whispering to each other, and Harry couldn't help but think of Ginny, he hoped she wasn't missing him and that she was ok.
Soon, everything would change, Harry didn't know how this would affect Ginny, whether they would still be together, whether she would still love him when he told her what happened. He had left a note, just in case things had gone badly and he never came back, never succeeded in changing everything, and he hoped she never had to read it.

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