The next morning

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When they woke up, they went down stairs to find everyone from the night before already there. Sirius and Pettigrew were wrestling on the couch, while Marlene was cheering them on. The others were all sitting at the table laughing.
"Well nice of you to join us" James greeted them, smiling.
"Yeah uh, sorry. We slept in a bit" James just laughed waving his hand in a 'it doesn't matter' sort of way. Sirius looked up and smiled at them, climbing off of Pettigrew and walking over.
"Oh hiya guys!" Pettigrew said happily from his spot on the couch. Harry and Ron glanced uneasily at each other, while Hermione just smiled politely and said "hi."
Pettigrew climbed over the back of the couch and walked over to take a seat next to Mary at the table, while Sirius sat at the end in between Pettigrew and Lily.
"Oh, there's some cereal in the pantry over there" James said, pointing at the kitchen,
"and there's some toast there near the toaster, the butter is in the fridge and there's some jam in there too" Harry smiled and walked over to the kitchen, taking out the cereal and offering to make some for his friends. The two of them sat up at the bench, which was just next to the table the others had taken all the seats at. Harry made him and Hermione some corn flakes and made Ron some jam toast.
They turned in their seats so they could be facing the older group, and had started talking with them.
They started asking the trio questions. They weren't trying to be invasive, but just wanted to know the people they were letting into their house. They had also discussed their backstory the night before, and were prepared for the questions.
They had told the Marauders (because Harry had realised, listening to stories and watching them interact, that even though the girls names weren't on the map and they weren't animagi, they were definitely Marauders) that they were born in Bradford, then moved around the country a bit, then to America for a couple of years where they attended Ilvermorny together.
They had been family friends which is why they had moved around together. Then they came back here to England.
"I've always wanted to go to America" said Pettigrew "what's it like?"
"Shit" replied Ron without missing a beat. Hermione hit his arm "ow! 'Mione!" Harry laughed. "It's lovely" said Hermione.
"So, what are you guys planning to do? Are you gonna stick around? We'd love to have you for longer"
"really? That's so kind of you. We were meant to be staying with an old friend in muggle London but he got sick and can't have us." Harry wondered when exactly Hermione got so good at lying, but he wasn't complaining. The trio then thanked them all again and went back upstairs to clean their rooms and get dressed, Lily had gone with them to give them some of hers and James' clothes, because theirs had gotten "lost" on the plane. Really, they just hadn't packed any.


James POV
"There's something off about those kids" Sirius said once they were out of earshot, walking over to join the others at the table.
"What? They're just a couple lost kids who need a place to stay." Replied Dorcas.
"need I remind you there is a certain Hitler knock off coming after the order who would probably use unfamiliar faces to catch us off guard?" Sirius retorted.
"Please. Did you see a tattoo? I didn't."
"Just because they don't have the mark doesn't mean they aren't with him, James." Remus pointed out.
"Plus, don't you think it's weird how much he looks like you." Added Peter.
"what has that got to do with being a death eater?"
"I don't know, still creeps me out."
"It is pretty weird." Mary agreed, looking towards the stairs.
"Well it's not like we're just gonna go tell them all our order secrets are we? They're just some odd kids that's all" James said.
"I don't know... there's something off about them, whoever they are, they definitely aren't telling the whole truth." Remus chimed in.
"If they're lying there has to be a reason, people don't just lie for no reason." Marlene said, watching the stairs closely

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