Girl's Night

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"Everly, meet Savannah!"

Brianna held out her arm like a game show hostess. Savannah came out of Brianna's room, dressed like she was the first lady. It was actually refreshing to see someone dressed so modestly. Everly began to wonder how she got away with wearing that in front of Brianna. Despite her amount of coverage, she looked beautiful. She wore a white, knit dress that had a high neckline and long sleeves. The dress stopped just below the knee. Savannah had hair that matched Everly's in color, except it was cut into a flirtatious bob. She had hazel eyes and thick, dark eyelashes. She was tall and thin, and walked with perfect rhythm. She looked elegant and confident. Much more confident than Everly.

The last detail Everly noticed was the key on her wrist. A large diamond was placed in the middle of it.

Right on cue, Savannah flipped her short hair with attitude.

"Where's Jezebel? I told her she was going to make us late."

She looked Everly head to toe, looking positively unimpressed. At least, she didn't show it.

For the first time since seeing Brianna speak with Leo, Everly saw a wave of something sinister flash in Brianna's eyes. For whatever reason, Brianna liked Everly, but she definitely didn't put up with ill-mannered freshman.

"Ahem," she iterated aggressively.

Savannah scoffed, "What? I am I supposed to say something?"

"Try, hello."

"I'm sorry, I'm not going to bother making friends with people who won't last here longer than a week. A homeschooled homebody falls under that category. Just look at her. She looks like it took all she could do to get out of her room. I haven't even seen her at any of the Welcoming Weekend activities."

Brianna, in her pale pink dress and matching lipstick, looked absolutely gorgeous. No part of her looked like it held any bit of nastiness, but from what Everly had seen earlier, she knew otherwise. While she looked beautiful and untouchable, Brianna had a deeply empathetic and aggressive-when-provoked personality. While she may look like just another pretty face, she's a force to be reckoned with when crossed.

Brianna eyed her wonderingly, and finally replied, "No."

With raised eyebrows and crossed arms, Brianna studied Savannah disapprovingly, not saying a single word.

A look of insecurity began to form on Savannah's face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason. I'm just trying to remember this moment."

"What moment?" she asked, irritated.

"The moment you learned your place."

Savannah frowned, but Brianna went on.

"Let me make one thing clear. You may look like a supermodel, but your heart is ugly. No amount of makeup can cover that up. Until you start treating other people – even ones that are different than you – with respect and kindness, you have no place in Newman Hall. Additionally, you have no place in my university, but we can determine the details of that later. Pack your bags. You can sleep in your room for your first and last night, but you definitely won't be going out with me."

"Yeah, right. Like you can do that."

"My name is Brianna Lamon. Daughter of Luke Lamon, son of Mark Lamon, son of Eliza Lamon, daughter of Matthew Neman. Yes, I own this university. Yes, I can do that."

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