The First Ceremony

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Brianna laid on her bed face down, hiding her puffy eyes in her pillow. She hadn't slept all night and had no intention of attempting to fall back asleep. It was Sunday and last night had, arguably, been one of the worst nights of her life. She was confronted with an array of emotions, from humiliation to self-loathing every time she tried to open her eyes.

I'm a horrible person and an even worse leader. How am I supposed to be the future president of a university, lead a secret society, and possibly save all of mankind from the impending darkness if I can't even dispel one fight?


Brianna heard Wyatt entering her room, slowly. Step by step, he approached her bed, unsure of whether not he should have intruded.

"Yes?" she asked, her voice was muffled in her pillow.

"You really need to get up. Leo sent me. The ceremony is about to begin."

"I can't do it, Wyatt. I couldn't save those people last night. I couldn't protect Everly. What if something happened to her?"

She finally looked up. Her eyes were swollen and red. She'd clearly been sobbing. Wyatt didn't have biological sisters, but Brianna was as close as it got. Comforting a girl wasn't his strong suit, but he made attempts to comfort her where he could. Wyatt sat beside her and placed his hand on her back between her shoulders.

"Brianna. I don't know what's so special about that girl. I know you feel like you have to take care of her and that she's your new prodigy, but I really don't understand why you have placed such an emphasis on her over the other freshman. Believe me – I have tried to understand. The only thing remotely interesting about her is that she thinks she's schizophrenic, which I'm assuming is about her ability. Right?"

"She's more than schizophrenic, Wyatt. Why do you push and push until you finally get an answer? I hate when you do this."

"It's the only way I'll get an answer. If you just told me the truth outright, we wouldn't have to go through this whole process. Maybe you should be the one apologizing."

"I hate your self-righteous attitude even more."

"How about we skip to the answer?"

"I guess you're going to find out in a few hours anyway."

She rolled over, facing the ceiling. Wyatt backed up slightly, giving her a little bit of space to speak.

She continued. "Everly is a perceiver."

"Which kind is she?"

"All of them."


"Yes!" she yelled in a whisper. "Quiet down. Come on. I just woke up and everyone on the hall is going to hear you. Believe me, you don't want to wake a sleeping, hungover, Scarlett."

"Why does this matter for us exactly?"

"It matters because we have a chance. I know you that you've refused to listen to Leo, Isaac, and I, but the influence of the Darkness is getting stronger. Adeline's turning was only the beginning. We have to be prepared and train harder than we've ever trained. We have to be extra selective with our pledges for the Five Minds. Everly is an anomaly. We cannot lose her."

"Then we won't."

"How? She hates me. She thinks I abandoned her. She's probably already gone."

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