The Flame

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Everly sat by the fire, considering all that she'd discussed with Leo this evening. All this talk about Agape, Philia, and Eros love was overwhelming. Everly was sure of one thing and one thing only: the purest type of love was the type of love where one person gives him or herself up for another. A love that's united in something greater than yourself, rooted in friendship, and filled with passion. That's the kind of love she wanted. If she was ever going to be in love that was.

She rarely even spoke to guys. Most of what she knew of them came from books. Not that she was going to share that ammunition with anyone here. She already had enough of an awkward homeschooler reputation as it was. She could only imagine the teasing that would ensue from Wyatt. Or the setups that would be arranged by Brianna.

Oh, Bri.

Everly missed her new friend and decided in her heart that she needed to quickly reconcile with her. Although she'd abandoned Everly in the club, she was only following protocol. As frustrated as she was, she understood. Right now, her primary focus would be on friendships.

Back home, most of her encounters were limited to guys she saw at church on Sundays. And yeah, most of those guys were kind, but she couldn't go out on a date in public lest she have a demonic encounter. Anyway – she didn't just want kind. She wanted a fire in her heart. She wanted to feel a stir when a guy walked in the room. To feel what "butterflies" felt like...whatever that meant.

Everly gazed into the fire and became entranced with the flickers of light that danced in the darkness. The room was still and quiet. Most of Newman Hall was probably asleep by now. Tomorrow was the first day of school and most people wanted to be well rested. But most people hadn't found out that they were Nephilim either.


Everly turned around, facing the doors behind her where a tall, golden-haired person stood.


He smiled coyly, a little shy. He looked like he wasn't sure where his place was in this room, but Everly could tell that he felt as if he was interrupting on a private moment.

"What are you doing in here all alone?" he asked, puzzled. "You should be in bed shouldn't you?"

"Yes, but I'm not quite sure that I'd be able to fall asleep after a night like this," she responded, suddenly aware of an uncomfortable tension in her gut.
He approached her slowly, with caution, waiting to see how she'd react if he sat next to her.

"You can sit down, you know?" she asked.

"Yes, I know. I'm just afraid of how you might think of me. I practically dragged you through underground tunnels last night."

He edged down slowly, sitting next to her on the small couch in front of the fireplace.

She looked into his eyes, noticing how the color had changed to more closely resemble Brianna's cobalt blue ones. They looked so similar, but yet, couldn't be more different. Brianna was all impulse and excitement, and from what she could tell, Isaac proceeded in life only after cautious judgement.

"Yes, but you were just doing what you had to do to keep me – a total stranger – safe. I haven't had the chance to say this yet...but thank you."

"You're welcome."

His expression darkened, and Everly could see him falter ever so slightly. "But it wasn't something I did out of the goodness of my heart. I don't want you to be deceived. My cousin needs you. The Five Minds needs you. You're not just expendable."

His words stung Everly, but she appreciated his blunt frankness.

"Who is your cousin?"


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