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"What kind of accusation is that?"

Everly was fuming.

How could he have the audacity to say something like that? They're Nephilim. They vow to serve the Light. How could anyone break a promise like that?

"It's not an accusation, it's a calculation," replied Wyatt confidently.

"What kind of calculation?" Everly demanded

"Probability. Everly, you're forgetting that I'm a delegator. The odds of every single one of those Nephilim in the Five Minds vowing to serve the Light – and meaning it – is slim to none. They're so far away from their angelic ancestors, many of them are barely Nephilim."

"And how do I know that you're not corrupted by the Darkness?"

"You can't prove it, but you know."

He stepped closer.

"I don't know anything."

He took one more step.

"You know. Or else you wouldn't still be standing here."

"Fine." She stepped back. "I'll admit that's logical, but nobody has given us any reason to suspect them."

"Actually, they have."


"The advocates."

"The advocates? What have they done?" she asked dubiously.

"The advocates are essentially the first line of defense against the movements of Darkness. As of late, we've failed miserably in that line of defense. The advocates have an uncanny ability of speaking with those who are being used by the Darkness and talking them out of whatever abominable acts that they are thinking about doing. Their powers of persuasion are strong. With the brand, their powers are almost like mind-control. But lately, I've been watching them. They have very little impact on those that they speak with."

"When do you have time to watch them?"

"Remember, I don't operate on the same schedule as the rest of you."

"Because you don't train and fight with the Five Minds?"


"And you called me the vigilante..." she remarked quietly.

He didn't look amused.

"Anyway, from what I've seen, they're using their powers, but not for the Light. Traditionally, their role is to coax humans out of acts of Darkness. When they're being watched, they'll often appear to do that, but I believe they're not using their powers while doing so."

"What do you mean?"

"The advocates can talk without using their powers. Most Nephilim haven't mastered the ability to distinguish between when advocates are using their powers, and when they are just having regular conversation. Most Nephilim believe that if an advocate is looking intently at someone, talking to that person in a low voice, they are using the power of persuasion. This belief is simply wrong. If that belief is wrong, then, well there are even more implications for what they're up to."

"Like what?"

"If the Five Minds can't tell when advocates are really using their powers, then the Five Minds is in grave danger. We've been wondering all along what's creating this uprising - questioning why our precious society can't do its job right. Maybe it's not the Darkness's strength, and instead, it's our weakness."

The Battle of Our Minds: Flesh and BloodWhere stories live. Discover now