42. Friends

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I rolled over coming face to face with a sleeping Trent

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I rolled over coming face to face with a sleeping Trent. I smiled a little feeling peaceful. He's cute when he's sleeping. I wanted to kiss his cheek, but I didn't want to wake him. I just stared at him, his eyebrows, his nose, and his lips.

He opened one eye peeping at me. A smile formed on his face as he stretched.

"Good morning, stalker." he said closing his eyes back. His morning voice blessing my ears.

"Good morning, and I'm not a stalker." I said sitting up with my elbow.

He turned his head at. "You were staring at me while I was sleep."

"Couldn't help it." I said still staring.

He laughed. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." he said getting up stretching and yawning.

He pushed on my mattress twice sitting on it. "What kinda mattress this is? This muhfucka feel good as hell. I be waking up in my bed with back pain, and a crooked neck."

I shrugged scooting beside him. "I don't know. You'll have to ask my brothers they got it for me."

"Hmm I'll do that." he said kissing my forehead. "How you feel?"

"Better. I'm sorry-"

"Stop saying you're sorry. It ain't yo fault." he said.

I nodded sighing. "Ok."

I got up grabbing Trent hand. "Let's go eat some cereal or something because I don't feel like cooking." I said pulling him towards the kitchen.

I reached for the cereal in the snack closet. I don't even know why I put things high up when I know I'm not even tall enough.

"Trent." I said peeping out the closet. He looked at me. "Can you get the cereal for me, please." I asked doing the sad face and finger thing.

"Yeah. You need to grow." he laughed at me. He reached for the box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch handing it to me.

"I can't." I said getting two bowls and the milk. I laid the bowls on the counter staring at him.

"What?" he asked.

"I have a question." I said.

He frowned. "See don't say it like that."

"It ain't nothing bad." I smiled.

"Mhmm. Continue." he said watching me.

I laid the cereal and milk next to each other. "Tell me....which goes first. The milk? Or the cereal?"

"Cereal of course." he laughed.

I smiled. "We'll get along just fine."

"Damn that was a test or some?" he asked.

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