61. Rest In Hell

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Tammi walked through the door with shackles around her hands, and ankles

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Tammi walked through the door with shackles around her hands, and ankles. I stared her down as she made her way towards me.

She sat down across from me with a smirk on her face. "I thought you were in jail."

"Obviously not, I'm just gonna tell you this one thi-"

"Who bailed you out?" she asked frowning.

"Raheem." I said.

She straight faced me. "I thought he was dead."

"He is." I shrugged.

"You killed him?" she asked lowering her voice. She was clearly angry.

"Duh bitch." I said frowning at her dumb ass. "I thought you were smarter than this."

She rolled her eyes leaning back in her seat. "What do you want?"

"Yo' life." I said.

Chairs scratched against the floor. She looked around noticing everybody was leaving. Tammi looked back at me with a worried expression.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"I said I wanted yo' life." I said pulling a gun out. "What part of that don't you understand?"

"You can't do that." she said. "Guard!"

"They're not coming."

"Guard! Guard!" she yelled standing up.

I slammed my hands on the table making her jump. " I said they're not coming."

"Leave me alone. I'm in jail, and you can't hurt me." Tammi said backing away from me.

"Fine. I won't hurt you." I laughed.

"Then what?" she asked. Her voice was shaky.

"I'm getting tired of repeating myself." I said getting fed up.

She just glared at me not saying anything. She wasn't this quiet when she was drugging me.

Bitch keep the same energy

"Let's play a game, truth or death." I smiled walking towards her.

She shook her head. "Get away from me crazy nigga!"

"Shut up." I said grabbing her by her shirt dragging her back to her seat. "You're ruining the fun."

"Ok, so the rules are...you live if you tell me the truth, and die..well if you lie." I smirked loading my gun.

"This is illegal."

"And so is drugging me to beat, and rape my girlfriend. Then telling me to beat her ass again, and kill my unborn child." I said.

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