Please tell me I'm not dreaming

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Heya. Soooo let's just pretend Cady invited Janis to her party and the artshow would have been the weekend after that or something. Aka What would've happened if Janis was in Cadys room with her instead of Aaron?
Have fun:

Janis never liked partys. They were too loud, there were too many people and way too much alcohol. She always felt like she didn't belong there. Like she was some sort of alien. A new species no one has ever seen before. Which is why she regretted her decision to attend this particular party on a hot summer night as soon as she set foot on the Herons front porch.

She agreed to come to Cadys „little gathering" because she simply couldn't say no to her. The way her big beautiful crystal blue eyes looked up to her, the way she sticked out her bottom lip just a tiny bit making them a little shinier than usual, made it impossible to not agree. And even harder to not kiss her right then and there.

Oh yes, Janis was also head over heels in love with Cady.

So there she was opening the door to the Herons house revealing something bigger than just a gathering.. a lot bigger. And there was this unsettling feeling again. The feeling that she didn't belong here. That everybody's looking at her just because she's there.

She tried to shake it off and pushed past the people, trying to find Cady. But it was too much for her. The walls started to tighten, her heart was racing, her vision got more and more blurry with every step she took. She needed space... she needed Cady. Cady always knew how to calm her down.

Janis just reached for the nearest doorhandle and — ironically enough — finds herself in Cadys room.

Empty. Good.

Janis hadn't seen Cadys room that often before so she looked around the room a little.

It was pretty simple. Off white walls, a queensized bed, two drawers and a bookshelf out of Mahogany and a desk. The desk was clean. Very organised. The books were organized by colour – like the ones on the bookshelf - same as the pens, pencils and markers and her binder was perfectly placed in the middle. It was like an Ikea commercial.

As Janis took a closer look at the drawers she spotted a few picture frames ontop of it. The fotos were mostly family pictures and pictures of Cady playing with almost every animal of the african wildlife. Just when I thought she couldn't get any cuter. But there was one picture in particular that made Janis' heart skip a thousand beats. It was a picture Damian took of them. Janis has her arms around Cadys waist while Cady is holding onto her neck, both laughing uncontrollably. Both covered in paint. Janis smiled. She remembered that day. She was trying to teach Cady how to paint... which didn't turn out that well considering that Cady at one point just decided to annoy Janis a little by painting on her skin rather than on her almost empty canvas. The little paintstrokes then evolved into a huge war of paint in all the colours of the rainbow. One of her favourite memories with Cady.

Janis was still just standing there smiling at the picture when she heard the door to the en-suite bathroom open revealing a slightly drunk Cady in only an oversized hoodie.

Shit. That's hot. Janis thought but then noticed something.

"Is that... my hoodie?" Janis asked a little amused.

Cady jumped a little. Startled by Janis voice but then looks down at herself and says "uhh yeah.. sorry I- it's uhh it's just very comfy..." Janis noticed that Cady was blushing which makes it even more incredibly cute. She once gave Cady her favourite guns n roses hoodie when Cady said that she was cold while they were having a movie night at her place. He hadn't seen it ever since... until now. Janis was pulled out of her thoughts by Cady asking:

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