Chapter 1

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Princess Poppy, soon to be queen, was sitting in her room scrapbooking wondering, what would life be like when she was queen?

She had so many questions to ask! What would she do? How would she change Troll Village? Could she change Troll Village? What would she do with her friends? Since she'd be so busy!

It should all be ok since she had two weeks to become queen

"And every queen needs a king." Her father, King Peppy said

"Ok yeah I get that, dad, but what if this queen didn't want to get married?" Poppy asked him

"Well that would be nonsense! Every queen must get married to a king to even become a queen." King Peppy said

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense." Poppy said looking at the ground


Poppy left her pod and went outside to her friends DJ and Smidge

She got closer to them till she heard arguing

"GIVE IT BACK!!" She heard someone say

"TRY TO GET IT!!" Someone else said

She turned the corner and saw DJ and Smidge

"POPPY!! TELL DJ TO GIVE IT BACK!!" Smidge yelled

"Give what back?" Poppy asked


"You weren't playing with it anyway!" DJ said

"OH MAH GAH!!" Smidge yelled jumping at DJ

The frisbee flew out of her hand

Poppy picked it up and ran to them both

"Guys, guys! Calm down!" Poppy said

She pushed them away from each other with her hair

"Look, Smidge, here's you frisbee." Poppy said

She handed it to her

"And, DJ, here's a sandwich." She said

Poppy gave her a sandwich

"YES!!" DJ smiled

"Anyway, the reason I came here was to ask, what do I do when I become queen?!" Poppy asked them

"Not really sure." DJ said

"Maybe, you could get rid of that law your dad talked about." Smidge suggested

"You mean the one with those other Trolls?" Poppy asked her

"Yeah! I mean I'm not really sure why your dad even made that law." DJ said

"Yeah, me neither." Smidge said

"Maybe he could get rid of it himself!" Poppy smiled

"I'm not sure, Poppy, you know how your dad is." Smidge said

"But they're still Trolls! Differences don't matter!" Poppy said

Smidge looked at DJ

She shrugged not really caring

"Well you do what you do best Poppy." Smidge said

Poppy nodded and went back home


"Dad! Dad! I need to talk" She saw Branch and Creek with King Peppy

"Poppy! So glad you're here!" King Peppy said with a smile

"But, dad, I need to talk to you first!" Poppy said

"Girls, don't get speak what's on their mind, Poppy, you should know that." Creek said

"I want to hear what she has to say!" Branch smiled

"Uhh no, mate, girls don't speak." Creek told him

Branch looked at Poppy then at the floor feeling bad for her, wanting to hear what she had to say

"Poppy, I need you to choose who you want to marry. Branch or Creek?" King Peppy asked

"I...I don't know, dad." Poppy said

"It's been over two months, Poppy! Who do you choose?!" Creek asked

"Hey! Don't talk to her like that!" Branch said

"We'll figures this out tomorrow." King Peppy said

"If she chooses!" Creek said as he left with Branch

King Peppy looked at Poppy

"What did you want to say?" He asked her

"About the other Trolls." Poppy said

King Peppy stopped smiling and looked away from her

"I...don't know what you're talking about." He said

"Of course you do dad! You are the one who told them to leave when I was just a little girl!" Poppy said

"I told them leave for several reasons." He said

"What were those reasons?" Poppy asked

"They're dangerous Poppy! They're savage beasts who will rip you to shreads! I did what I had to do." King Peppy said

Poppy looked at the ground then back at her dad

"Maybe you have them all wrong! Maybe they're nice!" Poppy smiled

"No, Poppy, they're not. They almost destroyed this place." He said

Poppy stopped smiling and sighed

"I get it dad. It's for the safety of others." She said leaving

King Peppy watched her leave and sat down

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