Chapter 17

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Poppy arrived at Satin and Chenilles pod and started looking for them

She heard voices and immediately chimed in

"So have you heard what Creek's gonna do to Poppy as soon as he becomes king?" Satin asked

"Of course I have. It's really wrong." Chenille told her

"Yeah, I heard that's what King Peppy did that when he got married." Satin said

"No wonder we've never had a queen." Chenille said

Poppy immediately started to panic

What were they talking about? What was Creek going to do?

Poppy had several questions going through her mind which didn't help

She decided to ignore it for now and wen to Satin and Chenille

"Hey girls!" Poppy said

They both turned around

"Oh, hey Poppy." They both said nervously

"What's going on? You guys look like you've seen a ghost." Poppy said

"We're ok!" Satin said

"Yeah, you wanna try on your dress?" Chenille asked rubbing her arm

"I guess sure." Poppy smiled nervously

She grabbed it and ran passed them into their changing room

"You think she'll be ok tomorrow?" Satin asked

"We can hope so." Chenille said

Creek came inside

"Hello girls. Has Poppy come around?" He asked them

"Yeah, she's here right now." Chenille said

"Great, that's great. I can't wait for tomorrow. I get to be king it's so exciting." He said with a smile

Satin and Chenille looked at each other

"Why are you going to that to her?" Satin asked

"Why not? Her dad knew this day would come sooner or later. That's why he asked me to do it." Creek said

He put his hands behind his back with a calm smile

"Well bye." Creek said

He left with butterflies surrounding him

"Ugh! I can't stand him!!" Chenille said

Poppy came out with the dress on


They looked at her

"Wow Poppy!" Satin smiled

"You really do look great in everything." Chenille

"Oh girls! Stop." Poppy smiled

She looked at them

"Don't you think the flowers are a bit to much?" She asked them

"I think they looked really nice!" Satin said

"Yeah! You should take it home." Chenille said

"Oh! Well bye! See you girls tomorrow!" Poppy said leaving

"This is a bad idea." Chenille told Satin


Poppy got back to her pod and saw Barb hanging upside down from her bed

"Barb? What are you doing?" She asked her

"I'm just-"

Barb looked up at her and her face immediately turned red and she fell off the bed

"WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT?!!" Barb asked her

She hid her face with one of the pillows

"What? It's just for tomorrow!" Poppy smiled

Barb thought about the rumors she heard from the other Pop Trolls while she was in Poppy's pod

She looked at her and suddenly felt a feeling in her chest

"You sure it's just for tomorrow?" Barb asked

"Of course! What else would it be for? My funeral?" Poppy teased

"I really want to believe you." Barb said

"And you can. Nothing's going to happen to me Barb, it'll be ok." Poppy said with a smile

Poppy sat next to her and put her hands on her shoulders

They looked at each other

Poppy leaned into Barb

Barb's chest started pounding

She quickly kissed Poppy finally letting all the feelings out

Poppy took her hand off of Barb and stood up and looked away

"Barb, I- I didn't know you felt that way. I knew you liked me, but not thatmuch. I like you too but...I was reaching for my scrapbook." Poppy said

"It was stupid. I'll...I'll just go!" Barb said

She ran out of Poppy's pod

"No, Barb wait!" Poppy reached her hand out

She didn't chase her. She stayed where she was and sat on her bed

She looked out her window and thought about tomorrow

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