Chapter 13

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Poppy and Trollex sneaked around Pop Village to escape

"Hey! Over there!" Trollex pointed

Poppy looked and saw a part to the forest that wasn't being watched

"Let's go." She said

They ran to the forest and saw Creek with Branch and jumped into a bush

"You know Branch. It's kind of a shame you won't get to marry her." Creek had said

"When she becomes queen she'll get rid of that stupid rule and divorce you!" Branch told him

"Oh Branch, mate, did you forget? The men are in charge." Creek said patting his shoulder and left

Branch cletched his fists and exhaled then walked away kicking a pebble

Poppy and Trollex's heads popped out of the bush

"Oh poor Branch." She said

"Let's go check on the others." Trollex said

"Yeah good point. I have a feeling something bad happened." Poppy said

Trollex nodded and they ran into the forest


The two got back to the cave and saw the rock wasn't in front of the door to the cave

They both looked at each other worried and rushed in

The place was a mess. The tables were flipped, the food was all over the floor, and so were a few instruments, and some of the chairs were broken

Trollex picked up a broken guitar

"What happened here?" Poppy asked

"I'm not sure. It wasn't like this when I left." Trollex told her

They heard muffled screaming

They went to where they had heard it

A bunch of tables were stacked on top of each other, broken.

Poppy and Trollex moved them out of the way

They saw an arm and pulled it out as Riff came from underneath the tables

"Riff!" Poppy smiled

"What happened?" Trollex asked

"It was so awful! The Pop Trolls came! And-and they just attacked!" Riff said

"What?" Poppy asked surprised

"Where is everyone?" Trollex asked

"King Peppy took them!" Riff told him

Trollex and Poppy looked at each other then at Riff again

"Tell us everything." Poppy said

Riff looked at her



It was right after you left

Barb laid in bed staring at the picture of Poppy from her pillow

She heard her doorknob rattle and sighed annoyed

She got off her bed

"Riff, I told you a million times to not bother me today." She said

She opened her door and her expression completely changed

"Remember me?" The person asked

Barb stepped back

"King Snorty? How'd you get in here?!" Barb asked

"It's King Peppy. PEPPY!! Get it right!!" He said

"How did you get in here?! Answer my question!" Barb told him

She tripped on her leg and fell back

"Hiding behind a rock is kind of pathetic, and I'm sure you know my daughter Poppy." Peppy said

Barb looked away at the floor

"Oh! So you have heard of her." He said

Barb got angry and annoyed then grabbed one of her guitars and sent a red streak at Peppy

He jumped out of the way with his hair then shot his hair at her knocking her out of the room

Barb caught her balance and landed on the floor safely

She turned around and saw Pop Trolls everywhere

"Oh, you've gotta be joking." She muttered to herself

Peppy jumped down to her

"What do you even want dude?! We left 15 years ago!"Barb told him

"I want to get rid of you abominations. Just like I got rid of your own father." Peppy said with a smile

Something snapped in Barb. Something she hadn't felt in long time

She shot her guitar at Peppy

All the other Trolls helped out till outsmarted them and took them all back to Pop Village

——————End Of Flashback——————

Poppy and Trollex stood there both stunned unable to move

Poppy was really angry and began to hate her dad even more

"He did that?!" She asked

Riff nodded

"That isn't right! We have to save them!" Poppy said

"Are you nuts?! We can't!" Riff said

"We have to!" Poppy said

"Poppy's right. We have to. That's our family they messed with." Trollex said crossing his arms

Riff smiled

"Yeah, so let's go save our family." He said

Poppy and Trollex smiled and they left back to Pop Village to save everyone

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