Chapter 8

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Branch sat alone on a bench eating a sandwich with Gary. He saw Creek with King Peppy and decided to quietly follow them

"Of course you can marry her, Creek." Peppy said

"Thank you Kikg Peppy. I won't let her get to comfortable." Creek said


Branch knew he had to tell someone about this but they would think he's crazy. Except....


He ran to Smidge and DJ

"I'm pretty sure it goes over here." Smidge said

She moved it to left

"Actually it goes over here." DJ said putting it where it was

"GUYS!!!" Branch yelled tripping on a stick flopping on the ground

"Hey Branch. Do you think it looks better on the right or left?" Smidge asked

"IT DOESN'T MATTER!!! Look have any of you seen Poppy?" Branch asked

"I haven't." DJ said

They both looked at Smidge

"I haven't seen her since Branch and Creeks musical number." Smidge lied

"Well if you guys do see her anywhere. Don't let her get married to Creek." Branch said

"Oh she's getting married to Creek? Ew." DJ said

"I wish it was me..." Branch said

"Relax, Branch, I'm sure she doesn't want to. Wherever she is." Smidge said

"BUT SMIDGE!!! She doesn't have a choice!! None of the girls do!!" Branch said

"I SAID RELAX!!" Smidge yelled

Branch got quiet

"We'll find a way for her not to." Smidge said

DJ got taken from behind while Branch and Smidge kept talking


Poppy layed upside down on a rock thinking of ways to tell the truth

"Hey Barb! I know we're such good friends, but I can't lie anymore. I'm King Peppys daughter! No that's to straight forward." Poppy said

"UGHHH!! She'll hate me!" She said

"Hey Poppy." Barb said


Poppy fell off the rock

"Oh hey, Barb." Poppy said standing up

"You ok?" Barb asked

"Yeah, you just surprised me, that's all." She said


"What did you need?" Poppy asked

"Well I was wondering, if you wanted to go get pizza and nachos with me." Barb said nervously

Poppy's eyes lit up

"Yes. Nachos and pizza are the best." She said

"Ahah! Yeah, nachos rock..." Barb said smiling nervously



They sat at a table and ate

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