Chapter 9

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Poppy sat at a table with Hickory and Growly Pete

She had to find a way to tell Barb the truth, so she decided to ask Hickory

"Hickory, if you could tell someone the truth, but they'd end up hating you, would you?" She asked

"If it's something they have to know then yes." He answered

"Growly growl growl." Growly Pete said

"Even Growly Pete agrees." Hickory said

"I guess you guys are right." Poppy said

She sighed

"Well I guess I should be around her one last time. Maybe."

She left


Poppy took a deep breath and went into Barbs room

"Barb? You in here?" She asked

She heard someone fall

She went to the room where she heard the noise

She saw Barb caught tangled in several cords

"Oh hey Poppy! Man this is embarrassing!" Barb said smiling nervously

"How did you even get in this?" She asked

She looked for a way to get Barb out

"It's a long story." Barb answered

"Oh, is it this one?" Poppy asked herself

She pulled a cord untanglling them all and Barb fell on the ground

"Man, thanks Pop-Squeak." Barb said

"You wanna hang out today?" Poppy asked

"Oh, uhh sure." Barb said

"I'll wait outside." Poppy said walking out of the room

"Yeah! See you out there." Barb said shooting finger guns at her

Barb sighed trying to calm down and grabbed a tiny box from under her bed and put it under her belt and left the room


Poppy walked around with Barb, she looked to her left side and saw the many ways to tell Barb the truth on the price of paper

But how could she tell her when she finally knew the truth. Barb would hate her

"So, Popcorn. Uhh I kind of sort of made you a thing." Barb said

"Wow really?" Poppy asked with a smile

"Yeah, it's not much, but I did work on it all night." She said

She took the box from under her belt and handed it to Poppy

"It's not really special."

Poppy opened the box and her eyes lit up

"Barb! This is amazing! How did you make cute tiny wittle tuwtle?" Poppy asked

"Well I kind of asked the others if they could help with that part. It even has a name." Barb said

"What's the name?" She asked

"Shredder!" Barb told her shooting finger guns

"Oh Barb I love it." Poppy smiled

She hugged her

"Thank you."

Barb's entire face turned as red as a tomato

"YEAH!!! Yeah! It's nothing!" Barb blurted out

Poppy broke the hug

She looked in her hand then back at Barb and sighed

"Barb, I need to tell you the truth." Poppy said

"What is it?" She asked


"I just saw something outside." Hickory said

"What was it amigo?" Tresillo asked

"I think it was one of the Pop Trolls." He said

"THE WHAT?!!" Trollex asked starting to panic

He hid behind TBDB

Barb looked at Poppy

"You can tell me later." She said

They both went to the others


"What's going on?" Poppy and Barb both asked

"Hickory thinks he saw a Pop Troll." Delta told them

Barb rubbed her arms remembering what they did to her dad

"You ok?" Poppy asked putting her hand on her shoulder

"Yeah, I'll be ok." Barb said with a smile

Poppy smiled back at her

"I know what I saw." Hickory said

"It was a probably a bright bunny!" Riff said

Everyone looked at him

"Or something.." Riff said smiling nervously

"Someone has to go out there and check." A Classical Troll said

Everyone started chattering about what they should do

"Barb!" Poppy said

"What up, Pop-Squeak?" Barb asked

"I can't lie to you anymore..." She said

"Lie to me? What have you been lying about?" Barb asked her confused

Poppy crumbled the paper in her hands and threw it away

"I don't want anything to change." Poppy said

"Nothing's gonna change. What have you been lying about?" Barb asked again

"Everything." Poppy said

Everyone stopped talking and looked at them

"I wasn't banished from my home. I.....I'm King Peppy's daughter!!" Poppy finally said

Everyone gasped

"WHAT?!!!" Barb asked as her jaw dropped

"WHAT?!!!" Everyone else asked

It was quiet

"WHAT?!!!" Pennywhistle asked

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