Chapter 19

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Poppy looked at Barb on the floor

She dragged her over to her side and held onto her

Poppy then looked up at Creek

"Why Creek? Why her?" Poppy asked

"Oh relax Poppy. She wasn't supposed to exist in the first place." Creek told her

Poppy looked at Barb

"You're wrong!" She said

"Wrong? I'm wrong? Do you even hear yourself Poppy?!" Creek asked

Poppy didn't respond. She just looked at Barb

"She wasn't meant to exist in the first place. None of those monsters were. They're all defective and I'll fix that." Creek said

"They're not monsters!! You won't give them a chance! They're good people Creek." Poppy told him

"How would you know?!" He asked

"Because I actually got to know them. I didn't judge them for anything!" Poppy said

"That doesn't prove anything. They're still monsters. Now it's your turn." Creek said raising the dagger

"The only monster here is you!!" She told him

Creek looked at her in a shock

"Me? A monster? No way. I'm only getting rid of the ones who shouldn't exist." He said

"Who are you to make that call?! They have families." She told him

"That doesn't matter. I'll be king, and then it'll be perfect." Creek said

He raised up the dagger till it flew out of his hand


He turned around and saw Branch with Hickory and Riff


"Hey Creek, get away from Poppy." He said

"You're friends with these things too?!" Creek asked

"Yeah! And they're good people too!" Branch said

"Yeah!" Riff said

Hickory noticed Barb next to Poppy unconscious

"What did you do her?" Hickory asked

He looked back at Creek

"Oh I just took her to see her dad. That's all I did." Creek responded

Creek smiled

"I mean I was the one who killed him after all." He said

Barb's eyes shot opened

"YOU DID WHAT?!!" Barb asked him

"Barb, don't talk." Poppy said to her

Creek looked at them

"Oh! You're not dead? Guess that dagger takes a while." He said

Barb grabbed her side and stared at Creek

Hickory rammed Creek into the wall

"You four go!" He said

Branch quickly went over to Barb and Poppy

He helped Poppy stand Barb up and left the room with them and Riff


They successfully got outside and went to the Fungeon where the other Trolls were

Trollex went over to them as Branch and Poppy put Barb on the wall

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