Chapter 18

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Poppy sat in her pod thinking about earlier. She had mixed feelings about the kiss

She tried not to think about it and changed into her regular clothes


Branch and the other Trolls sat at a tree and heard something

They looked and saw Barb coming over

"Hey Barb! You ok?" Trollex asked her

"It doesn't matter, what are you dorks even talking about?" Barb asked them

"We're talking about interrupting Poppy and Creeks wedding and saving her!" Branch said

"And how are you gonna do that?" She asked him

"It's pretty simple! Smidge is gonna burst through the door and attack Creek to give Poppy the opportunity to run off. Then Trollex and I are going to throw smoke bombs inside and lead Poppy towards us." Branch explained

"I came up with the plan!" Trollex smiled lifting his hand in the air

"Of course you did. How do you even know it's going to work?"

"I don't. It could go wrong, but that's ok. We can find several other plans to save her." Branch said

"We need the perfect plan so she doesn't risk getting hurt!" Barb said

"Why do you care so much?" Branch asked

"That's none of your business! I don't want her getting hurt, so find the perfect idea." Barb told him

"Fine, fine, but it'll take a while." He said

"Well think quicker!" She said

They all watch Barb climb into a tree

Branch started to think of several ideas

Every plan he thought of there was a mistake

Branch finally came up a plan where everyone escaped safely

"I got it!" He smiled

"What?" Trollex and Smidge asked

Branch came closer to them and started to explain the plan


The next day Poppy was sitting in her pod and saw Smidge and Branch come inside

"You alright Poppy?" They asked her

"I guess. I'm not sure." She told them

"What do you mean?" Smidge asked

"Something happened yesterday with Barb, and I'm just super nervous for today!" Poppy said

"What happened yesterday?" Branch asked

"It doesn't matter. Smidge, how much longer do I have before I have to marry Creek?" Poppy asked

"Only 40 minutes." She said

"Just perfect."

"Nope wait read that wrong, 20 minutes!!" Smidge said

"Oh just great!! I'm not even ready!" Poppy said

"Don't worry Poppy, we'll help." Branch told her

"Thanks you guys."

Smidge and Branch both gave her a thumbs up


Creek stood next to King Peppy with this hands behind his back feeling good about himself

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