Chapter Three: My Place

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Altas: "Sometimes....your mind is the only thing you have left"

My eyes sadly opened meaning I hadn't died peacefully in my sleep which I always prayed to happen. I heard a knock and I sat up in my chair seeing Charles, he was on the other side of my desk and had knocked on the wood to get my attention. We all wore black jumpsuits to show we were Imperfect, I had the top half of mine wrapped around my waist and showed off my white singlet. Charles managed to keep his neat and tidy, his slightly broken glasses going well with his pale complexion, it wasn't an unhealthy pale but the type were it makes him look lively. His soft brown hair shifted with the slightest movement of his head. I always think that he to good to be my friend and that he could find someone better than me yet somehow, he always makes me just that little bit happier with in this fucked up life.

"So, you just going to stare or are you going to get up?" He asked, he always sounded so formal when he spoke to me and the others,

"I'm gettin' there" I smiled softly before sitting up and yawned with a stretch.

I soon stood up and followed him out, Robots standing guard at the exit and the only way out. I pulled a face at them yet they didn't react,

"Atlas" Charles spoke sternly making me poke my tongue out at him,

"What, they don't give a fuck" I replied yet he just rolled his eyes like he did every morning.

We reached the centre of the underground's and made sure that no one had died yet while also looking for new faces. The leaders (which were descendants of the first Imperfect's down here) went over a few things and reminded us of the rules. I shoved my hands into my pockets before looking around and slowly slipped away. I snuck over and knocked on the wall before hearing a hollow space, I moved the large slate of metal out of my way and it revealed a large hole. I crawled threw the the slate of metal fell back into place, I saw a light at the end before I reached a room which was an old scientist laboratory.

"Yup, still looks like shit" I smirked as I got up and dusted myself off,

I walked around before elbowing a panel and metal slates moved revealing the outside world. The sun, blue sky with fluffy white clouds and a peaceful field, of course this was just a hologram of the outside world and wasn't real. I sat on the metal table while watching it, I wanted to show the others but I was afraid of the robots finding out about this is place then forget sealing it off.

"Why do I always does Charles manage to cope with it" I spoke softly to myself as I got up and place a hand on the window, the glass was cold.

Charles; A man of many mysteries. People say he perfect and that he belongs up there. Charles has Depression but he's very good at hiding it by burying himself with others problems or work. He's also a half and half, he part Asian part American but he definitely looks American, guess his smarts must be from his Asian side, is that racist to say?.

"Thought I would find you in here Atlas" That charming and slick voice spoke,

"Where else would I go?" I asked turning around to see Charles brushing himself off,

"Heh, good point A" He smiles then walked over to me,

No matter how much dirty and grime got in his hair it still looked fluffy and soft,

"So, what is going threw that head of yours today Atlas?" He asked as I moved and laid on the table, he sat down and I laid my head on one of his legs.

"I wish to one day wake up in another place like heaven" I sighed and took his glasses before putting them on showing off his beautiful blue eyes,

"So you wish to wake up dead, why would that be Atlas?" He asked and looked down at me,

"I dunno....anywhere is better than this shithole" I huffed and crossed my arms,

"So you would rather be dead then see me every morning, how selfish Atlas" Charles pouted then looked away dramatically, he sure did love acting and getting into my feels.

I chuckled softly and sat up, brushing my hair out of my face and behind my ear,

"You know what I mean Char" I sighed and rested my head against his shoulder,

"I know At" He replies and I felt him rest his head against mine, I guess sharing my place with him isn't so bad.

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