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Demons can come in different shapes and in diverse imaginations. They come in everyone's life and well, mine came in a shape of a human. Demons are basically anything that make your life come to a turning point where they can make your life a miserable adventure from loving to hating. My names Niall, and I've indeed had a demon in my life. It's hard to even know how I put up with that fucker, but I guess I was destined to even know him. Yes, he was a person, a terrible person who I thought could be a lot better than he turned out to be. But that's the thing about 'demons'. You can never trust one. It's not like this is a whole different world with actual demons, definitely not. It's a normal human world where everyone lives their daily lives, like me. I just like to refer to them as demons because of their relation in every lifetime. But no, it's not like their possessed or something. Yeah, this isn't like a horrific film or whatever, sorry to disappoint if I did.

But one always crosses in ones life. Whether it's a thing, or an animal, or maybe even a career, or in most cases, a person, it doesn't matter. It always magnetizes you, when without it you don't feel like you can't function properly. It's when they leave, and you go through the toughest time of your life. That's when you know that they were just a "beautiful mistake" as most people call it. Well, I call it an "idiotic bitch who fucks up everything".

His name was Harry. Well as he used to say, "Harry to other folks, but babe to you." As you can tell, his flirting skills weren't even worth falling for or even listening to. To this day, I wonder how I ever even fell for it. I like to refer to myself as an idiotic bitch for that fact also.

Well beside the point, I kinda had a thing for this guy who would always show up at my door for something stupid like asking for utensils to use because he had none to eat with. Again, call me an idiotic bitch with himself, because I still don't know how the hell I fell for it. Every day he came, I felt a little more attached to him. Hell, he turned me from being straight to gay in a matter of a couple of days. It's not like I was a homophobe, but I wasn't exactly bisexual either. But he'd turned me from dating a bunch of girls to only dating one boy, him. To be honest, it kinda scared me. But again, please I beg you to call me an idiotic bitch for falling for it. It'll make me feel better knowing I'm not the only one who thinks I am one.

And I'm ended up alone as of now, sitting on my crystal white couch with my feet kicked up against the table in front of me, playing Grand Theft Auto 5.

Believe me, I'm more obsessed with this game than I am with my thousand pairs of Vans stuffed in my closet. Plus, it's the only thing that takes my mind off my disturbing life. That's why I love it so much. But anyway, on that note, I've been living alone for two years after he left me supposedly saying he had to go and see his mom back in England. Just call me it already? I fell for his trick and thought he'd come back.

Boy, how wrong I was. I waited for a whole month trying to call him, he wouldn't pick up anyway. And so I went into a good year of depression, when even the doctors told me that it was bad. They told me to delete everything of his on my phone, or anything I had doing with him. I did that exactly, the doctors having to do most of it because it took me about one hour to delete one picture of us due to crying and all that emotional shit. But what they didn't know is I had written his number on a sheet of paper in case. Yes, I still have it. Why? Good question, but I don't bother answering it since I've got no idea myself. It's still there, in that same old drawer that I never open. Partially because of that reason, but I know it's still there. Yet, I don't give a shit of where he is now. He could be dead for all I know, or be dying right now, but trust me; I could care less. Part of the reason is because I was one of those kind hearted people and now I don't have anymore feelings to even care.
I decided to turn the game off, since I've been playing it since 5 in the morning, but also because my eyes were stinging from the bright screen in the dark room gleaming straight in my eyes. Rubbing my eyes reassuringly, I got up from my sofa and turned to move to the kitchen. The past couple of years I've really earned some good amount of money.

Well, actually earned isn't the right way to state it; I stole most of the money. Yeah, every since that one day he left, I found being a thief kinda filled up my vacant heart. But soon after, when I felt like I'd been to jail enough times, I decided to stop. After a good year of that, I bought this rich modern looking house, which has a nice spa in the back, and a big built-in closet containing my thousands of clothes and thousands of pairs of shoes. So to sum up my life, it's not so bad after all. I get everything I want when I want, and that's all I need to keep my heart smiling. Well, I guess it's smiling. I don't even know sometimes, but at least if it is, the smile is fake enough to be real.

I strip off my shirt as I'm left in my gray sweats, nothing else. I stretch, a weird animal noise falling from my lips due to the exorcism-looking body shape I was currently in. Walking into my room, several diaries filled the sight of my eyes, making me groan. My hands floated down my face and down under my neck as memories floated back to why they were there.


I steadily walked over to them and quickly shut them, putting them away into a drawer that is rarely even opened. It really just consists of stuff I don't really need or touch, which gives me a somewhat odd reason to put my diaries there. I ran my fingers throughout the blonde quiff on top of my brunette hair and quickly walked hesitantly into the bathroom.

The sight was a normal one, with my trash dumped over, my blue husky named Blue, digging her head into the nasty garbage. I groaned, throwing my head back as I call over Blue to my side and walked over picking up the garbage with my index finger and thumb and carefully setting it into the garbage. Blue came and tucked her head under my arm as I was doing so and I smiled, petting her head as she was sticking her tongue out panting.

This dog did bring back so many memories which I wouldn't exactly consider happy as of this moment and if you guessed right, you guessed that me and Harry bought Blue.

Yeah, that should basically sum it up.

But it doesn't stop me from loving her one bit. I'd never get rid of her even if it was a present to me from Harry. Sure, the memories make me gag a bit now, but it's not like I ever think of giving her away. Giving her away would be like breaking my non-existent heart. If that's possible, in any way.

I get up, washing my hands in the warm water due to the freezing cold weather. It didn't really help, because inside my house, it was already put up to around 75 degrees. I shrugged, making my way back into my room going straight for the bed. I flopped on my back with my arms spread on either side of my body, just staring blankly at the ceiling.

The convincing thoughts in my mind like I should go work out and get going on for some physical activity constantly played with my mind, but my body denied it. It's been a week since I've been out, doing some sort of activity and I feel as if I should be doing more of it.

But those diaries.

I couldn't stop thinking of them. Why do I still have them? I gripped my hair rolling on my stomach as Blue came and snuggled near my shoulder. Why shouldn't I just burn them and never see them again? If I did, my nights slept would increase by a dozen and my eyelids wouldn't be as tired, by just thinking about why they even still existed. But even then, the things and nightmares held in them were stuck with me forever and it was impossible to remove them from my memory. I thought the last time I opened them, it would be the last time. But how could I even believe that? That's like saying I'd go back being with Harry. Impossible.

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