Osomatsu and Deaf!Reader

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Inspired by ara_jhoo's prompt.

Normally, tonight would be for heading to the public baths with his five younger brothers, but since they had all moved out of their parent's home and had jobs, it was harder for all six Matsuno sons to find time to spend just thirty minutes together. Osomatsu finished off the milk he had bought and tossed the bottle into the trash receptacle before stepping out into the cool night air, the slight breeze gently ruffling his hair.

There wasn't any rush to go back to his rented apartment since no one was waiting for him there, so he wanted to swing by his parent's house just to see how they were doing.

Opening the door with his usual greeting, he noticed two other pairs of shoes by the entryway.

"Oy, Karamatsu and Todomatsu!" He called out as he took off his own shoes, seeing the common room door slide open to reveal the youngest brother glaring at him with a twitch in his eye.

"I thought you had work, you damn shitty eldest."

"Someone wanted more hours, so I let them take my shift," He grinned as he set the bath essentials down near the lip of the entryway, "No skin off my nose."

"Brother!" The youngest was shoved down to the ground as the second oldest revealed himself with the trademark English term, the usual sunglasses pushed up on his head to act like a headband, "It's been such a long time since we've seen each other! Come, let's talk and drink to days gone bye."

"Yeah, yeah..." Osomatsu rolled his eyes and groaned, stepping into the common room to see that there were the remains of a fruit platter sitting on the table. He sat down at the table and started picking at the pear slices, taking the cold canned beer that Todomatsu offered, "How about your jobs?"

"It's office work. What else can be said about it?" Totty sighed, taking a long sip from his own beer.

"Mine's not too terrible. Still doing temp work since no one wants to hire me, it seems," Karamatsu took his place at the table, stealing one of the pear slices from Osomatsu's reach. The oldest retaliated by swiping one of the slices that Karamatsu was reaching for.

"Sucks to hear that, but maybe one will hire you permanently soon."

Osomatsu stayed a few more hours chatting with his brothers before being pushed out so their parents could go to bed, laughing as his mother physically shoved them out of the house. Bidding farewell to Karamatsu and Todomatsu, he sauntered back to the apartment building, his belongings safely tucked underneath his left arm. The unexpected sight of the two definitely lifted his spirits after the rough work week at the bookstore.

Climbing the last stair, he caught sight of a huddled figure sitting outside his neighbor's apartment door. Slightly raising an eyebrow, he remembered that they had been there when he left earlier. Was the neighbor not home?

Osomatsu had only seen her a few times; introducing himself when she had moved in, helping her carry a large load of groceries up the stairs, and returning laundry that had escaped her drying line onto his balcony. The only thing that he was bothered by was that she never spoke a word of thanks, shrugging off the thought before opening his own door and setting everything he carried back into its place.

His eyebrows lowered into a partial glare as his inner voice told him to do something about the person, staring at himself in the mirror before turning on his heel and heading back out the door. The person was still there, arms folded over their knees with their hands tucked in from the cold. Their head rested on the not-so-soft pillow of their forearms, and their lugs were tucked in close to their body.

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