Ugh, Really?

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Great. Just great. Mom told me that we are moving back the Montreal. This is perfect. Going back to the picking on an the worst part. See my EX best friend.

When ever I got picked on he would always kick in. Hit my head. Hit me. Even kick me! After about 2 years of having that, I have had enough. I gave him two years to clean up his mess but he would always do again after he said "Sorry, I will never do it again." He actually sounded confessing, but he keep doing it. I remember it like I did it yesterday.


That's it. I walked in his house, stomping. I yelled, "MITCHELL, COME DOWN HERE." I hear him running down stairs.

"What is it, Emma?", He asked. "I am sick and tired of you saying your 'Sorry' then turning around an doing it again!" "I'm sorry Emma. I promise this time." "You have said that 56 times! And yes I counted!" "Please Emma" He said holding my arm. "No. Don't bother coming to my house because I'm moving. Have fun."

After all that I walked out and slammed the door closed.

*Flashback over*

I can't believe I have to see him again. This is the worst.

~time skip to when they are at Montreal and done packing~

Done. I looked around my room and I actually liked it. Its light blue at the bottom and dark blue at the top. I decided to go say hi to our neighbor. "MOM I AM GOING TO SAY HI TO THE NEIGHBORS!" "OK" I grabbed my phone and went out the door.

This is the last house! I knocked on the door and waited. "I got it mom!" I heard. I heard the door unlock too. Once the door opened, I regretted it. "Oh, Hey Emma! I thought you where in Boston!" Mitch came in and tried to hug my but I moved out the way and he fell. I started to laugh. He flinched. O'well. "Well hi I am your new neighbor Mitch." With that I left.

I opened my house door and ran up stairs. I got to my room and got a pillow an screamed in it. 'Why? Why does this have to be my life?' "Because you are strong enough to live it" I picked my head an saw my mom. "Want to talk about it?" I nodded my head. "What happened?" "Well 2 years ago I got picked on and Our neighbor is my ex-best friend. When I got picked on he always kick in and helped. I thought he was my friend... That's why I cried that one day when I came home from Mitch's house. And all the time before that." I said with tears ready to burst out. "Well he chose the wrong person to pick with because he is dealing with the strongest person out there." She said with a smile. "Thanks mom. You always have a way with words." I laughed a bit. "Well come on let's have some dinner." She said brighting up the mood. "Yes ma'am." I said with a smile

After dinner I took a shower and headed of to bed. I set my alarm and went to sleep.


Beep beep beep. I hit the off button. I got my phone and played on it a bit. I finally got up and put my hair in a messy bun and got my skinny jeans, light blue flowy top, with my white vans. I put them on and went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I keeping my hair in a messy bun because I am not going to school to empress people.

I grabbed my skateboard and got my toast. "BYE MOM!" "BYE" I heard her say. I got on my skateboard rode to school. "EMMA!" I stopped and looked back. Mitch. "What do you want?" I asked, coldly. "I'm sorry for the past. Can we forget the past?" "No, Mitch, we can't because what you did is unforgivable. For 2 years Mitch. 2 years." I started to ride my skateboard again. I saw school. Loyal High School. Great.

Once I got there I heard, "Oh look it's skateboard Emma." The white trash of school, Amanda said. "Oh look it's the wicked witch of the west." "Look here Emma. I know your not new at this so I would keep my mouth shut." She said coming up to me, looking threatening. "I would but I'm not." I said walking away. "Oh and by the way. You aren't threatening. You don't scare me. You couldn't even scare a puppy."

I got to the office and asked for my schedule and locker number. "Here you go Emma. Glad your back." Mrs. Glad said. "Me too." I sighed.

I looked for my locker but I couldn't find it. "Need help?" I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Mitch. "Yes I need your help. Can you help me find locker 224?" I asked. I really didn't want him to help but I had no other choice. "Lucky for you, your locker is right next to mine." He said with a smile. Great. He brought me to my locker. "Thanks" I mumbled. "Welcome. Can I see your schedule?" "Sure" I handed him my schedule. "Cool! We have all the same classes." He said with the biggest smile. I just looked at him with a straight face. "Look I kn-" "Don't say nothing about it." He just looked down.

I put my stuff up in my locker and looked at my schedule. "Math, History, Art, Chemistry , English, PE." I mumbled to myself. I grabbed my Math binder and two pencils and walked with Mitch because I have no clue where the class is.

We finally got there an it wasn't to far from my locker. "Hello class, We have a new student here with us. Emma Park." I walked in and waved. So many people looked at me with disgusted faces. Like I give a crap. "Where do I sit." "The only seat is by Mitch." I just nodded. I went to go sit by him. I got out a piece of paper and the class started.

The class ended and this Senior math is hard! But at least I got it. I finally made it to History. The same thing happened in Math. I got stuck by Mitch. Does no one like him? We are learning about Government. Great. I suck at Government. Whats the point? I ain't going to be the president.

Well that was confusing. Now off to my favorite class Art. I walked in already knowing that I would have to sit by Mitch. I took a seat and looked at the board. Blah blah blah Partners. Crap. "Hello class, today we are going to start partners. You and the person sitting by you are going to partners. You are your partner and going to construct an animal. This is an at home and in class project. So get started." Great. Just Great. Some people looked Mitch and I's way.

Amanda is in the class too. She got up and walked this way. I saw in the corner of my eye, Mitch sink into his jacket. "Oh look Mitch won't be by his self no more, but it ain't the same as having the partner be Emma." I looked at her. "How about you go work on your own project? Because this ain't non of your business. Bye!" I rolled my eyes at her.

"What was that about?" I asked Mitch. "Nothing." "Ok, what do you want the animal to be?" "I don't know." "How about a dog?" "Sure." I started a sketch. "Where do you want to work it at?" Mitch asked. "I don't know" "How about my house?" "Ok. Whatever." Thats when the bell rang.

I started to walk to science, that's when I got tripped. I looked up to see who it was. Amanda. "What do you want." I asked coldly. "To still make you year worsted than ever." "Just stop you aren't threatening to anybody at this school. Just shut up and we won't have a problem." I heard someone say. I turned to see who it was. Mitch? She just looked at me and walked away. "What was that for?" I asked him. "I thought I should make up for the 2 years that I messed up." He said with a weak smile. "Oh.... well thanks"

Hey guys new story! I have a big plan for this one. lul.
Anyway hit that vote button with your forehead

And see you guys later!

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