Whats Wrong?

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Should I tell her? No. Not till she listens to me.

When she was at Boston (for 3 years) I was the substitute for being picked on. They hurt me worst though. They hit me. They hit me in the head. They actually made me bleed! They called me names far worst than they called Emma.

When Emma got picked on, I wanted to stop them but they paid me and threatened me if I helped. I didn't want Emma to know though.

We were in Science and learning stuff. Me being me, I'm not paying attention.

After about 20 minutes, the bell finally rang. Now time for English. I started to walk there but I got tripped. I looked to see who it was. Jake. "Hey dork! How is it down there?" "Perfectly fine." I said, trying to act strong, but when I am fixing to break. Jake is Amanda's boyfriend. They are pretty much the same person. "IDIOT, LISTEN TO ME!" That's when I felt a strong pain go down my back. I moaned to let the scream fixing to come out my mouth not. "What?" I said weakly. "How about you pick on someone your own size." I heard someone say. Emma. Great now she will know.


I was walking down the hallway to go to English but I heard screaming. What could that be?

I finally got to the screaming and found Jake hovering over Mitch who was on the ground. Should I help? I mean he did help me. Ugh. I hate when my brain is right. "How about you pick on someone your own size." I said walking up to Jake. He turned his head and looked at me straight in the eyes. "And what are you going to do about it?" His right what am I going to do? I got it. "This." I grabbed his pants leg and flipped him. Man those self deafest classes really helped.

I kneeled down next to Mitch and saw a foot mark on his upper back. "HEY!" I turned to see Amanda. "What the crap?! Why did you do that?!" She said coming towards me. "He was hitting my.......Friend." Ugh. I hate calling him my friend. "So? Doesn't mean you flip my boyfriend!!" I looked at her straight in the eye. "Yea, it does! You really think that bullying people makes you cool? Well think again because all it makes you is a plain jerk. How would feel if you were being picked on? Huh?" "I wouldn't care because I'm not getting picked on." Thats when she got her boyfriend up and walked away.

I turned to see Mitch in a ball. I got on my knees and put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey. What's wrong?" I asked. He picked his head up and said, "Nothing." He got up and brushed his self off and headed to English.

I know something is wrong.

I got to English and the teacher asked, "Why were you and Mitch late?" "Because something happened." "Ok. Now, Hello class we are going to divide into partners. You and your partner are going to have a topic. I pick your topic. Once you have found your partners raise your hand so I can give you your card that's has your topic." Everybody got into partners but me and Mitch. "Hey Emma you want to be partners?" "Well I have no choice." "Ok" He said weakly. I wonder what is up with him and weakly?

I raised my hand to get the card. She came to us and handed it to me. Space. "Wow this is going to be easy." I said, excitedly. "How so?" Mitch asked. "I already know a lot about space." "Oh.. cool." He smiled. There's that smile. Wait. What?

The teacher came around and gave us computers. While saying, "This is going to be a in class and home thing so exchange numbers and stuff." Really? Another in class and home project? Ugh.

After about 30 minutes the bell rang for lunch. Good I am starving.

I got my lunch box out my locker and went to the lunch room. Once I got there I saw almost every table full. Except one table. That's were Mitch was. Does God want me to forgive Mitch or something?

I took a seat in front of Mitch. He had his head down while eating like the lunch was special. I grabbed my sandwich out my lunch box while getting a water. I made a loud noise with the water bottle to get Mitch to notice I was here. He looked up and said a simple. "Hi." "Hi" I said back. I ate my sandwich real fast and drank some water.

"Look Emma I am sorr-" I cut him off before he could say something. "Don't say anything about 3 years back. Ok? I get it your sorry, but sorry can't change anything." I got up and through my trash away. i got back to collect my lunch box.

"What is going to get you to forgive me?" Mitch said, sadly. "Nothing because I'm not going to forgive you. Well maybe if you had a time machine but I know you can't make one those." I said, coldly. He just looked down.

That's when the bell rang for seventh period. I grabbed my PE bag out my locker.

I got to the gym and asked where I sat. "Um, lets see." Coach Moore said, while getting out a seating chart. "In front on Mitch Hughes." DOES GOD WANT ME TO FORGIVE MITCH BECAUSE IT SEEMS LIKE IT?

I walked to my spot and just sat there. "Do we seat by each other in all of our classes?" I heard Mitch say. "I guess so." I said with no impression.

"Ok everybody go get dress." I heard one of the coached say.

I grabbed my stuff and went to the girls locker room. I got dress and went back to my spot.

Once everybody was out, one of the coaches said, "Ok every girl on this side and every boy on this side." I got on the left side of the gym. "Ok pick a partner. Pick wisely because this will be your partner for the rest of they year." Really? Why would they do boy, girl partners?

Of course I ended up with Mitch. Like always.

"Ok every body got there partner." we heard 'yes' and 'sure's.

"Ok we are going to do some exercises. Ok one of you are going to be in sit up position and the other one is doing to be holding there feet down." Wtf? Why do we need partners for this? I got in sit up position and Mitch was holding my feet.

"Ok. There is going to be 3 minutes in the clock and we are going to see how much you can do in 3 minutes. Your partner is going to count. Ok? Ok startttt.... Now."

I started to go up and Mitch stared to count.

~Can we skip this part where Emma does hers and Mitch does his? Yes? Ok.~

"Ok stop!" Finally! My stomach hurts. "Ok let's recored your partners number of sit ups he/she did." Mitch went to go tell them what he got. "Ok now we are going to tally up out of the boys got the most and girls got the most." Really? Are they really doing that?

"Ok. Out of the boys with 96 sit ups, Mitchell Hughes! And out of the girls with 74, Emma Parks! Come here to get something." We got up and went to the coach. While we were walking Jake stuck his leg out and so did Amanda to trip us. I stopped Mitch because he didn't notice. I pointe down and he nodded. We stepped over their legs and keep going.

We got a free power-aid for that. Really? Eh.... It don't bother me so much.

The bell, finally, rang. I went to my locker and grabbed the stuff I need for homework. Which was only English, Art, and History. I grabbed my skateboard and went outside and stared to skate back home.

Hey Music Notes! Is it ok if I call y'all that?

Well anyway! Here is another long chapter.
It's probably boring.
Anyway Slap the vote button with ya forehead
Stay safe and Take care!

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