Mitch. You better have a reason.

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Ok so this is a drama chapter. Um. Yea. Miley's coming back.......



I opened my eyes to see myself laying on Mitch's shoulder and feeling his head on mine. I looked at the tv and see it was off.

"Mitch?" I asked. He just groaned. "Metch??" He groaned again. "METCH!" I yelled. He jumped and swinged his arm fixing to hit me, but I blocked it before I got hit. "Oh. Sorry Emma," He said rubbing his eyes. "Whatcha need?" "Im hhhaaaannnnnggggrrrryyyyyyyy!!" "You got feet and legs. You can walk." He said falling back asleep. "Well then. Note. Never wake up Mitch." I said laughing a bit. I got up going to the kitchen. Where is Mitch's family? I thought. On cue, here comes Connor. "Hey Connor!" I said whispering. "Hey Emma! Why are we whispering?" Connor asked. "Look on the couch." I said. He looked on the couch. Then he jumped on Mitch. "I said the look not jump!" "I know. But it would be funnier to jump." Mitch groaned. "Connnnneeeerrrrrr Whyyyy?" "Life." He said, causing me to chuckle.

Time passes by really fast. I was home in my room because I wanted to be home with my mom.

"Hey Mom! I'm going over to Mitch's to play some videos for a while!" I said. "Ok! Have fun beating him!" She said. "I will!"

I knocked on the door. With no answer. I walked in, because the door was unlocked. I looked and saw something I wish I wouldn't have.


I was playing a video game because I was bored as crap. I also wanted to beat the game.

About 30 minutes have past, I heard a knock on the door. I was hoping for it to be Emma. But I wasn't. It was Miley. Ship.

"Hey, Mitchy-poo! I've missed you! How have you been?" She said way to happy. "Good. But then you showed up." I said coldly. "Aw. That's no way to talk to your girlfriend!" She said with a ""sad"" voice. "You aren't my girlfriend. You are to annoying for me to date." She looked sad. Then put a smirk on. She pushed me on the couch.

Let's just say. It was NASTY. She was trying hard to kiss me harder. But hell no! I keep my mouth shut! I was trying to get her off. Failing. I heard the door knock. I can't get up. Then I heard it open.

"THE F?" Emma yelled. Miley got up. "Mitch made me! I told him it would be bad. But he didn't listen." Miley said. "Then why were you on top of him?" Emma asked, not convinced. Miley didn't say a word. "Eggxacly. Now," she got closer to Miley, "You do that again and I see that you are on top of him. You will get hurt. And I don't mean a pity fight. I mean hospital." She said angry. I have never seen her this angry. Not even the time she was mad at me. Miley looked at her. I wouldn't say scared but like scared. "You'll See me." Then Miley left.

Emma turned to me. Fire in her eyes. "You better have a good reason Mitchell."



Rn I am in the car going to my dance competition. Great.




If you want you can read my now book 'Adopted By The Pack'

Anyways! Have a great rest of the day!

Take care and Stay safe!

~ Chelley☁️

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